1. The Eid is a blessed celebration
He met it with good tidings of its arrival
١. العيد عيد مهنأ بقبوله
وافاه بالبشرى وصول وصوله
2. So it is right that he be congratulated
By God and by His Messenger
٢. فلذاك حق له الهناء بما غدا
عند الإله له وعندرسوله
3. Fasting bore witness for him
Of what he entrusted to its vessels
٣. شهد الصيام له بما قد أودعت
أناؤه منه قبيلرحيله
4. Before its departure
And of what it saw of him fulfilling its right
٤. وبما رآه من القيام بحقه
في حفظه ورعاً وفي تبجيله
5. In preserving it, pious, and revering it
It revives the night for him until dawn
٥. يحي الدجا فيه إلى اسحاره
ذكراً ويلحق فجره بأصيله
6. With remembrance, and joins its dawn to its origin
It continues with his litanies, its blaze not extinguished
٦. ظام إلى أوراده لا ينطفي
إلا بموردها لهيب غليله
7. Except by its springs, the fervor of its thirst
He recites the Book of his God, delighted
٧. يتلو كتاب إلهه متلذذاً
فيه بما أوتيه من ترتيله
8. In it for what fluency he was granted in its recitation
And when the night lets fall its curtains
٨. وإذا الدجى أرخى عليه ستوره
أغناه نور الذكر عن قنديله
9. The light of remembrance enriches him beyond any lantern
Pursuing the ways of the lawful, and if he passes
٩. متتبع طرق الحلال وإن نأت
في شربه ورعاً وفي مأكوله
10. In his drinking and food, pious and moderate
You see him need little of drink
١٠. فتراه يغني عن كثير شرابه
وطعامه مع حله بقليه
11. Or food along with its permittedness and scarcity
He has protected his hearing from listening to
١١. قد صان مسمعه عن الإصغاء أن
ذكر الخنا ولسانه عن قيله
12. Mention of song, and his tongue from saying it
For him are two Eids, the Eid of his breakfast
١٢. هذا له عيدان عيد فطوره
كسواه والثاني المفاز بسوله