
The journey ahead is good, so let's march on,

طاب المسير لنا فسيروا

1. The journey ahead is good, so let's march on,
How excellent the fate tomorrow brings victory.

١. طاب المسير لنا فسيروا
نعم المصير غدا نصير

2. Had the High One not drawn near,
The horizons would not have shone with light.

٢. لو لم يكن قرب الحما
ما طبق الآفاق نور

3. Had it not flowed into hearts,
This secret would not have brought joy.

٣. ولما سري نحو القلوب
على الوحي هذا السرور

4. Had these emigrants and nobles not become coolness for us,
The homelands would not have come near.

٤. ولما غدت برداً لنا
هذي الهواجر والحرور

5. Tomorrow the giver of good tidings will come to us from there,
And we will see the guide, the warner.

٥. دنت الديار وفي غد
يأتي لنا منها البشير

6. And with him hopes will be fulfilled,
And tears will flow from the eyes.

٦. ونري حمي الهادي النذير
وعنده توفي النذور

7. And his chamber will appear, and from beneath the veils will emanate its fragrance,
Wiping away the darkness. And nights will be erased by the mornings.

٧. وتعبر العبرات عن
وجد أجنته الصدور

8. Where the honorable angels pass through its gardens,
And the places of descent of the Trustworthy Spirit, though hidden, are manifest.

٨. وتلوح حجرته ومن
تحت الستور لها سفور

9. And revelation descends upon it, and it has the daybreaks,
Its horizons and its fragrances.

٩. تمحو سودا شعارها
والليل تمحوه البدور

10. You see the gardens and trees, so what are the orchards and streams?
The burdens of sins have departed, and fears of the hunter are gone.

١٠. حيث الملائكة الكرام
لها بروضته مرور

11. The youth has nothing left to fear,
With them the rewards have replaced the sins.

١١. ومهابط الروح الأمين
وإن خفيت ظهور

12. Happy are the visitors of the Messenger, and this love is bliss.
The Lord, Most Forgiving, has guaranteed salvation for them in his house.

١٢. والوحي فيه له الرواح
بأفقه وله البكور

13. Their reward is the Abode of Bounty, and thus does the Grateful reward.
Gardens of Eden, which only the steadfast will experience uncovering.

١٣. وتهب أنفاس القبو
ل فما الرياض وما العبير

14. Their servants and companions therein are immortal youths and maidens.
I yearn for the era of the Guide, for it is a brief respite

١٤. وترى الحدائق والنخي
ل فما الخورنق والسدير

15. Between arrival and between the days of purpose, a short time.
And however much the flowers have delighted us in it,

١٥. وتحط أثقال الذنو
ب وقد وهت منها الظهور

16. None are happy except those the Resurrection includes.
They will come with the companions when

١٦. ذهبت فلا يخشى الفتي
ل بها ولا يخشى النقير

17. They are resurrected and the graves are strewn about.
No fear or faltering when the time of crossing comes,

١٧. قدموا بأوزار الذنو
ب فبدلت منها الأجور

18. Rather like flashes of lightning veering from their glow.
They supported him and followed his guidance,

١٨. طوبى لزوار الرسو
ل وحبهم هذا الحبور

19. And turned away from his enemies in disavowal.
They are the people of that, all worthy of elevating his status.

١٩. ضمن التري عنه لهم
في بيته الرب الغفور

20. When deeds came to them, their presence brought them joy.
They opposed his enemies with their valor, and they were few in number.

٢٠. فجزاؤهم دار النعي
م وهكذا يجزي الشكور

21. They sacrificed themselves, so the heights were ennobled.
And through them the light of hearts appeared, and that light has no light.

٢١. جنات عدن لا يلقى
نشرها إلا الصبور

22. And their throats were exposed to arrows - excellent are those throats!
They are in their mantles, with oceans as their provision.

٢٢. خدامهم وأنيسهم
فيهن ولدان وحور

23. Ask about them on the day of Badr, and about the enemies, for He is All-Aware.
When the multitudes of Quraish approached in their ignorance, deluded by vain pride.

٢٣. لهفي على زمن القاه
فإنه أمد قصير

24. And they saw them as an insignificant band compared to their great throng.
So they were met with steadfastness, and there was no weakness in them.

٢٤. بين القدوم أو بين ايام
النوى زمن يسير

25. They sought Paradise, so their exalted souls submitted.
And for their meeting the chambers and palaces were adorned.

٢٥. وبقدر ما راق الورود
لنا به راع الصدور

26. So their Lord, the All-Powerful, supported them on their day.
And the angels carried out His commands among them.

٢٦. ليس السعيد سوى الذي
من ثم يدركه النشور

27. Good tidings from Allah, the Protector, by which hearts are reassured.
By it the religion became pride of effort, and the arrogant were foiled.

٢٧. يأتي مع الصحاب إذ
بعثوا وبعثرت القبور

28. He whose defender is God, Him alone suffices as protector.
Ask about them - the Confederate tribes - what met with Quraizah and Nadir,

٢٨. لا فيهم وأن يرى
وقت العبور ولا عثور

29. Or the day the trench engulfed the people of disbelief in conflagration,
When their swords held back their onslaught by a third.

٢٩. بل كالبروق إذا أنثنى
عن ومضها الطرف الحسير

30. As if they were predatory birds and their companions hunting falcons.
And how many decisive stands they took in battle!

٣٠. نصروه واتبعوا هداه
والعدا عنه نفود

31. By it the true religion ascended, like the towering Pleiades.
And they are the foremost narrators of his accounts, as ages endure.

٣١. هم أهل ذاك وكلهم
يعلو رتبته جدير

32. And by following him they became imams when matters resembled each other.
And by the wisdom among them the signs of his way appeared, illuminating.

٣٢. قوم إذا حضرتهم الأعمال
سرهم الحضور

33. And by their examples the rules of his nation revolved.
And how much he arbitrated in situations when they were present!

٣٣. عادوا عداه بأسرهم
فيه وهم عدد يسير

34. No early glory remains except theirs, and neither any later.
May God send prayers on him as long as a mournful poet laments,

٣٤. بذلوا الوجوه فكرمت
وتبجلت منها الثغور

35. Or as long as a branch sways over a dune.
And upon his companions - what peers do they have in piety?

٣٥. وبدا بها نور القبو
ل وما لذاك النور نور

36. No moon of mine has waned, no she-camel bellowed, and no camel grunted.

٣٦. ونحورهم هدف السها
م فحبذا تلك النحور

٣٧. هم في ثيابهم الجبا
ل وفي نوالهم البحور

٣٨. سل يوم بدر عنهم
وعن العدا فهو الخبير

٣٩. إذا أقبلت عليا قريش
وذلك الجم الغفير

٤٠. دلفوا إليه يغرهم
للجهل بالله الغرور

٤١. ويرونهم نزار يصو
ل عليه جمعهم الكبير

٤٢. فاستقبلوا بالسعو
ف ولم يكن فيهم فتور

٤٣. خطبوا الجنان فأذعنت
إذ من نفوسهم المهور

٤٤. وتزخرفت للقائهم
منها الأسرة والقصور

٤٥. فأمدهم في يومهم
بالنصر ربهم القدير

٤٦. وملائك تمت بها
في الحرب بينهم الأمور

٤٧. بشرى من الله المهيمن
تطمئن بها الصدور

٤٨. فغدت به فخر الجها
د وخاب ضدهم الفخور

٤٩. من كان ناصره الإله
فحسبه نعم النصير

٥٠. سل عنهم الأحزاب ما
لقيت قريظة والنضير

٥١. أو يوم أو طاس الذي
ولي وأهل الكفر بور

٥٢. وإذا احتوت منهم عقا
ثلثهم سيوفهم الدكور

٥٣. كأنهم كانوا بغا
ث الطير والصحب الصقور

٥٤. ولكم لهم من موقف
في الحرب زاديه الظهور

٥٥. وعلا به الدين الحنيف
كأنه الشعرى العبور

٥٦. وهموا رواة حديثه السباقي
كما تبقى الدهور

٥٧. وبه اقتدوا فهم الأئمة
حين تشبه الأمور

٥٨. وبحكمة فيهم بدت
أعلام سنته تنير

٥٩. وعلى فناويهم غدت
أحكام ملته تدور

٦٠. ولكم قضى في حالة
حضرت وهم فيها حضور

٦١. لم يبق فخر أول
إلا لهم وكذا الأخير

٦٢. صلى عليه الله ما
أرثى بموضعه ثبير

٦٣. أو مال من مر الصبا
فوق الربا غصن نضير

٦٤. وعلى صحابته الأى
ما في التقى لهم نظير

٦٥. ما ناح قمري وحننت
ناقة ورغا بعير