
My tears advanced ahead of the caravan to remain

تقدم قبل الركب دمعي ليبقا

1. My tears advanced ahead of the caravan to remain
And deposited sparkling water on the perfidious

١. تقدم قبل الركب دمعي ليبقا
ويستودع الغدران ماء مرقرقا

2. So the eyelids rejoiced in their permanence
And no blood dripped from them and was contaminated

٢. ففرح آماق الجفون دوامه
وما زجه منها دم فترنقا

3. They took away my patience after you
While my endurance for you remains

٣. وهي جلدي حوشيتمو يوم بنتمو
ومات اصطباري بعدكم لكم البقا

4. You left so my heart found no rest in its place
Nor did my flowing tears ahead of you flow gently

٤. وسرتم فلا قلبي استقر مكانه
ولا مدمعي الساري أمامكم رقا

5. You burned my heart so it saw no home
Other than it with its inhabitants burning

٥. وحرقتم قلبي فلم ير منزل
سواه بأيدي ساكنيه تحرقا

6. And you made my eyelids the rug of my resting place
Were it not for my sigh it would have returned with tears flowing

٦. وأفرشتمو جفني القتادو مضجعي
فلولا زفيري عاد بالدمع مورقا

7. Our passing neighbors brought news of you yesterday
That tomorrow when you come you'd be good neighbors

٧. أجيراننا النائبين بشراكموا غدا
إذا انتمو أصبحتمو جيرة النقا

8. You granted and bestowed the land ahead of you
And left behind whoever turned away from you suffering

٨. نعمتم ونعمان الأراك أمامك
وخلفتموا من عاقه عنكم الشقا

9. Holding on to the guide and the one guiding your caravan
To convey his complaints but they did not show mercy

٩. تشبت بالحادي وهادي سراكموا
ليودع شكواه فلم يترفقا

10. Nor heeded the sanctity of intent, bound
To one who spends the night in captivity of youth, bound

١٠. ولم يرعيا من حرمة القصد موثقاً
لمن بات في أسر الصبابة موثقا

11. Sorrowful tomorrow the dress of sickness expands
Upon him while the dress of patience is limited

١١. كئيب غدا ثوب السقام موسعاً
عليه وثوب الاصطبار مضيفا

12. Accompanying you in yearning though despised by disdain
Can the suffering bound one ever be free

١٢. يسايركم شوقاً ويثنيه حطه
وهل يدرك العاني المقيد مطلقا

13. As if I see you and the camel litters folded near you
And you have triumphed over the lover in meeting

١٣. كأني بكم والبيد تطوى لديكمو
وقد فزتمو دون المتيم باللقا

14. So rays have shone for you among the palm trees
Illuminating with them horizons, neither west nor east

١٤. فلاحت لكم بين النخيل أشعة
أضاءت بها لا كوان غرباً ومشرقا

15. You recognized the sites when you knew
That the land was the noblest ascent

١٥. وقد عفتم الأكوار لما علمتمو
بها أن تلك الأرض أشرف مرتقى

16. And your feet raced with your faces
So that your cheek touched dust stuck

١٦. وسابقتموا أقدامكم بوجوهكم
ليشرف خد ظل بالترب ملصقا

17. And your tears expressed your passion
As the tears from you are more eloquent than speech

١٧. وقد عبرت عن وجطكم عبراتكم
إذ الدمع منكم ثم أفصح منطقا

18. And you came to the door of peace while all of you
Tomorrow are safe from the horror of meeting

١٨. ووافيتمو باب السلام وكلكم
مع الأمن من هول اللقاء غدا لفا

19. When the young Muslim raises his head
He is shrouded in the lights of majesty and bows down

١٩. إذا رفع الصب المسلم رأسه
تغشته أنوار الجلال فأطرقا

20. And good tidings of acceptance came to you that you
And the light of pleasure shone radiantly

٢٠. وجاءتكمو بشري القبول أنكم
وأنستمو نور الرضا متألقا

21. So for God's sake fulfill the gratitude for what you attained
By remembering your ardent and troubled lover

٢١. فبالله أدوا شكر ما فزتمو به
بذكر كمو الصب الكثيب المؤرقا

22. And say: we left behind a lover in the lands
A brother, family, who wakes up miserable

٢٢. وقولوا تركنا في الديار متيمت
بييت أخا وجد ويصبح شيقا

23. Laments but cannot due to his utter despair
With comfort, as the ring-doves have surpassed him in cooing

٢٣. ينوح ولا يسطتيع من فرط عجزه
براحا فقد فاق الحمام المطوقا

24. And be my intercessors today with your own intercessor
Tomorrow you will gain thanked and fulfilled reward

٢٤. وكونوا شفيعي اليوم عند شفيعكم
غدا تغنموا شكرأص وأجؤراً محققا

25. Perhaps I will be granted before my death, a visit
That competes for a while with my narrow lifetime

٢٥. لعلي أحظى قبل موتي بزورة
تزاحم بي وقتاً من العمر ضيقا

26. As my heart pounds fearing that
I will see my hopes of nearness utterly destroyed

٢٦. فقد بات قلبي خافقاً خوف أنني
أرى سعي آمالي من القرب مخققا

27. Do I see the house it honored and the spot of his grave?
Surpassing the whole world in nobility and freedom

٢٧. ترى أنظر الدار التي شرفت به
وبقعة قبر فاقت الأرض مطلقا

28. And the spirit of nearness splits open from the meadow
Whose aroma surpasses the perfumed and pulverized

٢٨. وانشق روةح القرب من نحو روضة
يفوق شذاها المندلي المفتقا

29. And the heart settles in the paradise of nearness reassured
At nights I do not fear their separation

٢٩. وبسكن قلبي جنة القرب آمناً
ليالي لا أخشى عليها التفرقا

30. And my eyes pour with cool pleasure
Fluttering with my covenant with it yesterday burning

٣٠. وتسكب عيني للسرور مبردا
ترفرفه عهدي به أمس محرقا

31. And I come to it tomorrow with sins
And stand before its glory though I am today wicked

٣١. وآتيه من زلات غدا عند جاه
وإن كنت من أثقالها اليوم موبقا

32. In the sincerity of my monotheism, destitution, and devotion
To forgiveness what does not differentiate then the pious

٣٢. وفي صدق توحيدي وفقري وفاقتي
إلى العفو مالا ينتقي ثم بالتقي

33. And my love for the best of both worlds and the finest
And most compassionate to sinners and most merciful

٣٣. وحبي أزكى العالمين وخيرهم
وأرافهم بالمذنبين وأرفقا

34. And the noblest of people in origin and lineage
In branch, whom He named station and gave a minbar

٣٤. واشرف أهل الأرض أصلاً ومحتدا
وفرعاً واسماهم مقاما وأسقما

35. And seal of the gathering of prophets though he came
Last, preceded, he indeed came first

٣٥. وخاتم جمع الأنبياء وغن يكن
تأخر مسبوقاً فقد جاء أسبقا

36. The prophet whose pool gives drink and I
Hope to be one of those given drink tomorrow

٣٦. نبي له الحوض الروي وأنني
لآمل أن أغدو وغدا بعض من سقي

37. As I was raised on Islam and whoever is not raised
Upon it has become in the fire free

٣٧. فإني على الإسلام شبت ومنيشب
عليه فقد أضحى من النار معتقا

38. And in God's abundant mercy hoping
And fearing my monstrous sins cautious

٣٨. وفي رحمة الله الفسيحة طامعاً
ومن خوف زلاتي الفظيعة مشفقا

39. And I, in God's absence, remain believing
And in the resurrection in the next life acknowledging truth

٣٩. وإني بغيب الله ما زالت مؤمنا
وبالبعث في الأخرى مقراً مصدقا

40. And I and my likes see his glory tomorrow
Prepared for one who comes to Him burdened with sins

٤٠. وإني وأمثالي نرى جاهه غدا
معداً لمن وافاه بالذنب مرهقا

41. If his miracles are faced with the sun of morning
It would be brighter than the blazing sun

٤١. نبيإذا ما قوبلت معجزاته
بشمس الضحي كانت من الشمس أشرقا

42. He was gifted with a Quran that challenged creation with it
And they all came to acquiesce in incapacity

٤٢. حباه بقرآن تحدي به الورى
فكلهم أضحى على العجز مطبقا

43. And the people of eloquence's confusion over it was evident
And what was selective in speech was disgraced by it

٤٣. وبان وهم أهل الفصاحة عيهم
وهان به ما كان في القول منتقي

44. And it was clear that none can attain what he attained
And that the star is the highest ascent

٤٤. وصرح كل أن ينال مناله
محال وأن النجم أقرب مرتقي

45. And in miracles only concurrence was seen
To truth, tomorrow supported and given success

٤٥. ولم ير في الأعجاز إلا موافق
على الحق مخذولاً غدا وموفقا

46. When the humans' incapacity before it was shown, and among them,
The Jinn were more disposed to incapacity

٤٦. إذا بان عجز الأنس عنه وفيهم
تنزل كان الجن بالعجز أخلقا

47. He guided us and guided all good to us through it
And solved the knot of misguidance about us and untied

٤٧. هدنا وأهدي كل خير لنا به
وحل عقال الغي عنا وأطلقا

48. So we became through it the most eloquent creation
And most abundant in interpretation, knowledge and more decisive

٤٨. فصرنا به أوفى البرايا فصاحة
وأوفر بالتأويل علماً وأحذفا

49. And enriched among all nations through it
And not equal are the people of prosperity and misery

٤٩. وأغني به في الخلق من كل أمة
وما يستوي أهل السعادة والشقا

50. And he journeyed to the farthest mosque awake
At night and he ascended to the seventh heaven and climbed

٥٠. وأسرى إلى الأقصى به الله يقظة
بليل ورقاه إلى السبع فارتقى

51. And the tree trunk yearned to him when he moved
From it to his minbar and was eager

٥١. وحن إليه الجذع عند انتقاله
لمنبره عنه وأن تشوقا

52. And he raised his hands and held the serpent
And did not return until it burst open

٥٢. وصعد كفيه وقد أمسك الحيا
فما رجعا حتى انبرى متدفقا

53. And when it turned towards al-Hi'ran they sufficed with it
His hands motioned towards it and it tore

٥٣. ولما ظغا صوب الحيارا كتفوا به
أشارت يداه نحوه فتمزقا

54. And the stones submitted when he passed
By them and the pebbles spoke with remembrance

٥٤. وسلمت الأحجار عند مروره
بها والحصا بالذكر عاد منطقا

55. So woe to the ignorant who doubt the one
Who has become among us evident with inanimate objects

٥٥. فتباً لجهال يشكون في الذي
غدا بيننا عند الجماد محققا

56. And the wolf spoke to him, when it said "who am I"
He acknowledged its miracles and believed

٥٦. وكلمه ضب وإذ قال من أنا
أقر له بالمعجزات وصدقا

57. The speech of the wolf and camel are signs
As is the she-camel's complaint coming to him gently

٥٧. وإن لنطق الذئب والعير آية
وشكوى بعير جاءه مترفقا

58. And in Salman's palm trees and Jabir's dates
Are proofs of truth that cannot be warded off by talismans

٥٨. وفي نخل سلمان وفي تمر جابر
براهين حق لا تدافع بالرقى

59. So the one fruited in the year of its planting
And through it Salman became free and emancipated

٥٩. فذي أثمرت في العام عام غراسها
وصار بها سلمان حراً واعتقا

60. And the other, whose water was made pleasant
Souls, and he saved them and excelled in irrigating

٦٠. وذلك ما طابت به غر ماؤه
نفوساً فوقاهم وفضل أوسقا

61. And his news of the forearm's meat in its condition
And the arrow's poison in it was drained

٦١. وخبره لحم الذراع بحاله
وقد صار سهم السم فيه مفوقا

62. And he passed his right hand over Umm Ma'bad's udder
Haza'il's pregnant she-camel, so it overflowed

٦٢. وأمضى بيمناه لدي أم معبد
بضرعي هذيل حابل فتدفقا

63. So they milked them together and went to their camels
And its milking place remained full and flowing

٦٣. فروتهمو جمعاً وراحوا لشاتهم
ومحلبها ما زال ملآن متأقا

64. In it is gathered all that was in the world
And in God's prophets was separate and dispersed

٦٤. تجمع فيه كل ما كان في الورى
وفي أنبياء الله طرأ مفرقا

65. And were it not for him the journey to blessed Taiba
Would not have been coveted and the rider's resting place met sweating

٦٥. ولولاه ما طاب السري نحو طيبة
غراماً ولاقى مشيم الركب معرقا

66. And Wajna would not have been filled with the blades of spears
With it and the striking of heads and arms

٦٦. ولا وسدت وجناء من لعب الكرى
به والسرى منها زراعاً ومرفقا

67. And the ships of grievances would not have stormed with travelers
The sea to Makkah, with the family drowned

٦٧. ولا اقتحمت سفن النجائب بالسري
إلى مكة بحراً من الآل مغرقا

68. Nor would the eye of lightning which he thought was
Against white brilliant, gleamed and flashed

٦٨. ولا شام طرف بارقا ظن أنه
على أبرق الحنان لاح وأبرقا

69. But our Lord guided us, guided us well through him
So we succeeded, and the best gain is for one who has piety

٦٩. ولكن هدانا ربنا رشدنا به
ففزنا وحزناً خير ما حاز ذو تقى

70. He protected and spared us all evil through his status
And who succeeds except one whom God protects and spares

٧٠. حمي ووقانا كل سوء بجاهه
وهل فاز إلا من حمى الله وأو وقى

71. Upon him, peace of God, for as long as the branches thrive
And overflowing tears flow in mentioning him and are sipped

٧١. عليه سلام الله ما أورق الغضا
وما فاض دمع مندد ذكره وراقى

72. For as long as the wild roses bloom at dawn
And the riders journey on, so graceful

٧٢. وما شدت الورقاء في رونق الضحى
وما شدت الركبان للسير أينقا