1. The home is not dear, except when it is near,
So forgive me, my heart, if it breaks,
١. عز قرب الدار إلا في الكرا
فاعذرني قلبيإذا ما انفطر
2. Do not blame me if my pain overflows,
And my tears flow like a river.
٢. لا تلومنيإذا جرت لظى
حرقي في ماء عيني لنهرا
3. What has afflicted me with despair,
Requires more than what has happened.
٣. فالذي قد راعني اليأس به
يقتضي أكثر مما قد جرى
4. In the beginning, they came near,
Then they became distant like the hidden secret.
٤. فات في الأولى دنوي منهم
ودنا إلى الأخرى السرى
5. Sickness coincided with the intensity,
Old age constricted my lifespan,
٥. مرض وافقه في طغى
كبر ضايق مني العمرا
6. Yearning and intense love left
Nothing of my body except a trace.
٦. واشتياق واسي لم يبقيا
من بقايا الجسم إلا الأثرا
7. So tell me news of the living one, perhaps
Hearing can take the place of seeing,
٧. فاذكرا لي خبر الحي عسى
يخلف السمع على النظرا
8. Then relate to me stories of fever,
And against my will, make them just tales.
٨. ثم قصا لي أحاديث الحمى
وبرغمي أن أراها خبرا
9. Then in the evening, ask the worshippers for rain,
To water the lover’s tears, lest they run dry.
٩. ثم سلعا والمصلى سقيا
أدمع العشاق إن لم تمطرا
10. And kiss the generous hand, and turn your mouth
Towards the cheeks, to dress them in ink.
١٠. وقبا جاد قبا صوب حيا
يلبس الأرجاء منها حبرا
11. Describe to me the fragrance of a soft night,
Then I will not think it is but witchery.
١١. وصفا لي طيب ليل مرلي
ثم لم أحسبه إلا سحرا
12. I awake but do not see the wakefulness in it,
Although it hides the brightest planet.
١٢. أفق لست أرة فيه السها
وهو أخفى الشهيب الأقمرا
13. With people I used to stay up with,
Whenever the wine cup was passed around at night.
١٣. مع أناس كنت أهوى معهم
كلما لذا الكرى لي السهرا
14. My hearing would take in their conversations,
Just as my eyes used to see in the morning.
١٤. ولسمعي من أحاديثهم
مثلما أضحى له الطرف يرى
15. And I remember the meadow, whose memory,
Fills the horizons with fragrant breeze,
١٥. وأذكر الروضة يملا ذكرها
سائر الآفاق نشراً عطرا
16. A meadow that gathered under its wings,
A grave, of the Guided One and the Minbar.
١٦. روضة ضمت جناحاها سنا
قبر من أيدي الهدى والمنبرا
17. An honorable place, blessed by God,
The best of creation settled in its courtyards,
١٧. بقعة شرفها الله وقد
حل في ترتبها خير الورى
18. Ahmad the Guide to God, though
The people ignored the guidance and warning.
١٨. أحمد الهادي إلى الله وقد
جهل الخلق الهدى والنذرا
19. The glory of the Hashemites, rather,
The glory of all Quraish, rather, the glory of Mudar.
١٩. زان عبد الله لابل هاشما
بل قريشاً كلها بل مضرا
20. Thus, when they take pride in him,
It is not enough for them to just feel proud.
٢٠. فلذا أن ذكروا الفخر به
لم يكق غير همو أن يفخرا
21. The revelation came to him, and Jibreel
Had become accustomed to solitude in Hira.
٢١. جاءه الوحي جبريل وقد
ألف الوحدة في غار حرا
22. So he called people individually to God, and did not
Fear any disbelief in his call.
٢٢. فدعا فرداً إلى الله ولم
يخش في دعوته من كفرا
23. And he brought them a clear scripture,
That perplexed the Jinn and confounded man.
٢٣. وأتاهم بكتاب محكم
أعجز الجن وأعيا البشرا
24. They devised miracles that dazzled them,
Even after clearly witnessing them.
٢٤. وهموا عن معجزات بهرت
بعد ما قد حققوها تظرا
25. He was granted companions who became
Lions for the religion that came later.
٢٥. وحوي السبق رجال أصبحوا
للألى جاء واحجولا غررا
26. They do not care, having attained guidance,
Whether the enemies gather little or more.
٢٦. لا يبالون وقد حازوا الهدى
قل جمع للعدا أو كثرا
27. Then when God allowed them,
They marched like prowling lions.
٢٧. ثم لما آذن الله لهم
فيهم ساروا كآساد الشرا
28. They pledged to God against themselves
To struggle against disbelief, and God purchased them.
٢٨. بايعوا الله على أنفسهم
في جهاد الكفر واللهاشترى
29. And clothed them in robes of victory,
That stripped the enemies bare.
٢٩. وكساهم حلل النصر التي
نبذت تلك الأعادي بالعرى
30. And granted them their land after
Their enemies were laid in the grave.
٣٠. وحباهم أرضهم من بعدما
اسكنوا أعداءهم بطن الثرى
31. How many days of white victory they saw,
In which disbelief tasted a red death!
٣١. كم رأوا بالنصر يوماً أبيضاً
ذاق فيه الكفر موتاً أحمرا
32. With the Messenger of God among them, whenever
The times got hard, the burden lightened.
٣٢. ورسول الله فيهم كلما
أحمر باس كان منه الوزرا
33. The day of Badr disciplined Amr,
So he woke up the next day, severed.
٣٣. قد عودا يوم بدر لأمرئ
فغدا في الحال غضباً أبترا
34. As it did on days other than Badr, it humbled
Many hardened tribes and settled abodes.
٣٤. وكذا في غير بدر قعدت
قضب تفري الطلي والقعرا
35. With twigs, not iron, they marked
Lines, which the people fled from in droves.
٣٥. من جريد لا حديد طبعت
منه أيدي القوم يوماً زمرا
36. Rather God sees them as miracles, so
Nothing could match their sharpness.
٣٦. بل يراها الله أعجازاً فلم
يرم شئيئاً حدها الأبرا
37. The companion on the Night Journey, while awake,
Not asleep, ascended to the Divine Throne.
٣٧. صاحب الإسراء في ليلته
يقظة كان السرى لافي الكرى
38. He called on the trees, so they bent to him,
Splitting the earth, cleaving the soil.
٣٨. ودعا الأشجار فانقادت له
تخرق الأرض وتجتاب الثرى
39. Then when he said “Return,” they went back
Swiftly obeying, as he had commanded.
٣٩. ثم لما قال عودي رجعت
سرعة طائعة ما أمرا
40. And this was seen by the one who witnessed it,
So he denied the event, but spread the news.
٤٠. ورأى ذلك من عاينه
فنفى الخبر وأبقى الخبرا
41. And he called him a sorcerer – woe to him!
What a wretched disbeliever in what he sees!
٤١. ودعاه ساحراً يا ويحه
من شقي أفسحر ما يرى
42. What misfortune to insist on denying
What the witnessing eye has seen!
٤٢. يا لها من شقوة تقضي بأن
يجحد المبصر ما قد أبصرا
43. Likewise, God made the boulder
Greet him on the road, but it hardened the hearts of some,
٤٣. وكذا قد أنطق الله له
بسلام في الطريق الحجرا
44. Who refused righteousness out of stubbornness or illness.
And each of them had witnessed
٤٤. فصل الصخر قلوباً منهم
أبت الرشد عناداً أو مرا
45. When God split the moon asunder.
And at Hunain, when disbelief came upon them,
٤٥. ولقد شاهد كلا منهم
حين شق الله ثم القمرا
46. Horde after horde pursuing horde,
Each lion unsheathed his might –
٤٦. وحنين إذ أتى الكفر بها
زمراً تتبع منهم زمرا
47. A sharp fang unleashed fury in the land.
But the people abandoned them, except
٤٧. كل ليث أنشب البأس له
ناب فتك في الورى أو ظفرا
48. A band who stood by him cautiously.
He pelted the troops with a handful
٤٨. فتولى الناس عنهم ما عدا
نفراً قاموا لديه حذرا
49. Of pebbles and sand, so they retreated.
It filled the eyes of their warriors, who all
٤٩. ورمى الكل بجمع من حصي
وتراب فتولى مدبرا
50. Feared what blinded and disfigured them.
They lost sight of the battle, so none
٥٠. ملأ الأعين منهم فاشتهى
كلهم خوف عماه العورا
51. Could see, save what was behind.
They deserted their children, and none survived
٥١. وعموا عن موقف الحرب فلا
أحد يبصر إلا ما ورا
52. Except those who came with excuses,
Believers who willingly left their unbelief,
٥٢. وتخلوا عن ذراريهم ولم
ينج إلا من أتى معتذرا
53. When they saw a miracle that dazzled them.
All this, tradition relates,
٥٣. مؤمناً فارق طوعاً كفره
إذ رأى معجزة قد بهرا
54. So study its narrations and chapters.
He planted palms for Saman, but before
٥٤. كل هذا شهد النقل به
فأقرؤا أخباره والسورا
55. That year ended, they had fruited.
So God ransomed him, while he was
٥٥. غرس النخل لسمان فما
مر ذاك العام حتى أثمرا
56. Still an infant in the enemies’ captivity.
Likewise, he returned an eye that had fallen out,
٥٦. ففداه الله في الحال وقد
كان في رق العدا مستأثرا
57. So the eye became good and the wound healed.
It became better than both his eyes,
٥٧. وكذا قد رد عيناً سقطت
فزكت عيناً وطابت أثرا
58. When it looked from him, and increased his sight.
Pebbles glorified in his palm,
٥٨. وغدت أحسن عينيهإذا
نظرت منه وزادت نظرا
59. And water flowed from it gushing.
And regarding the moaning pillar – lessons abound
٥٩. والحصى سبح في راحته
وجرى الماء بها منهمرا
60. For one who seeks to journey from it.
Where is the one who abandoned it in patience,
٦٠. وحنين الجذع فيه عظة
لامرئ أزمع عنه سفرا
61. While the inanimate could not endure separation?
Would a man not wail if he were scorched
٦١. أين لفي الصبر من فارقه
وجماد لم يجد مصطبرا
62. After panicking at a dreadful event?
My soul yearns – does the night of distance have
٦٢. ما حنين المرء لو أحرقه
بعد جزع جن أمراً منكرا
63. An extent at which the dawn breaks?
For separation has lasted long for me,
٦٣. لهف نفسي هل لليل البعد من
منتهى أبلغ فيه السحرا
64. And demanded the rending of my bosom.
And if I die before attaining union,
٦٤. فلقد طال مطال الهجر بي
وافتضى ورد حياتي الصدرا
65. I had been waiting for it previously.
I had intended to be blessed by attaining it,
٦٥. ولئن مت ولم أبلغ مني
كنت من قبل لها منتظرا
66. But God willed other than what I had intended.
Perhaps at the Gathering, desire will lead me
٦٦. فلقد قدرت أن أحظى به
وأبى الله سوى ما قدرا
67. To the Fountain, thirsty for reunion.
I have clung to love of Ahmad,
٦٧. وعسى في الحشر أن يوردني
ظمأ الشوق إليه الكوثرا
68. And he is the strongest handhold.
Perhaps God will pardon
٦٨. قد تمسكت بحبي أحمدا
وهو للممسك من أقوى العرا
69. A sinner who came repentant.
Even if my sins are many,
٦٩. فلعل الله أن يعفو عن
مذنب قد جاءه مستغفرا
70. He has promised pardon for greater sins.
I profess the Tawhid of my Lord, and he who
٧٠. أن يكن ذنبي كثيراً فلقد
رمت عفواً عن ذنوبي أكبرا
71. Does not profess His Tawhid will surely fail.
And I believe that my Prophet
٧١. متجري توحيد ربي والذي
ماله توحيده لن يخسرا
72. Will intercede tomorrow for my shortcomings.
So may the prayers of God continue
٧٢. واعتقادي في نبي أنه
في غد شافع ما قد قصرا
73. As long as the youth bow at the Honored Tomb,
And may God’s greetings flow towards him,
٧٣. فصلاة الله ما هبت صبا
تنحني ذاك الجناب الأطهرا
74. Turning the soil to musk when they pass over it.
And may the greetings continue as long
٧٤. وسلام الله يسري نحوه
فيحيل الترب مسكاً إذ فرا
75. As the wind rustles any fresh branch.
٧٥. وتحيات توالي كلما
هزت الريح قضيباً نضرا