1. Relieve her, for the darkness has prolonged its effect on her
And untie her after the journey that exhausted her
١. أرحها فقد مل الظلام سراها
وأنحلها بعد المدى وبراها
2. And leave her bare bones and yearning
To a house where she hopes to meet it
٢. وغادرها جلداً وعظماً حنينها
إلى منزل فيه اللقاء قراها
3. Don't you see her whenever the zeal is mentioned
She stretches her necks out to it and her steps
٣. ألست تراها كلما ذكر الحمى
تمد له أعناقها وخطاها
4. And listens attentively to the singers' chants, satisfied
With that instead of pulling the reins to go back
٤. وتصغي إلى شدو الحداة فتكتفي
بذلك عن جذب الزمام براها
5. Wandering, yearning, and longing are three things
That have wasted her flesh like arrows hitting their mark
٥. سرى وحنين واشتياق ثلاثة
برت لحمها برى السهام مداها
6. Lines of caravans like mirages when they appear
To the arrows whenever she sees them
٦. سطور قطار كالخيال طروسها
إذا مثلت للسهام فراها
7. And the burning desire is like a mirage when it promises
To bring back to her the returning of the caravan
٧. وانضاء شوق كالخيال إذا ونت
أعاد لها رجع الحداة فواها
8. Ships floating in the mirage in a wavy sea
With waves whose ends cannot be seen
٨. سفائن تطفو في السرب بلجة
مموجة لا يلقي طرفاها
9. Thirst that cannot be quenched by the water-skins
Nor the echoing water that can diminish its echo
٩. طومى لا تشفى الوكايا أوامها
ولا ماء صداء يزيل صداها
10. And none saw her except they took the news about her
With good news that makes me forget her coolness
١٠. ولم يروها إلا تناول نقبها
بطيبة ينسني بردها برادها
11. I spend my time at the drinking places with the wine of wandering
And the cup of agony I have twisted and turned
١١. نشاوي على الأكوار من خمرة السرى
وكأس الكرى قد ألويا بطلاها
12. As if branches in the mounts leaning towards her
Bewitched by the burning desire the bitterness of whose youth
١٢. كأن غصونا في الرحال يميلها
سحير على الانضاء مر صباها
13. When they descended on arid land, a lightning flashed
Subduing it with the rain of tears
١٣. إذ هبطوا أرضاً أوة مض بارق
تروض من سح الدموع ثراها
14. They thought it was the fire of separation over the zeal
That appeared weak to them and its brilliance shone to them
١٤. يطنونه نار الفريق على الحمى
تبدت لهم وهناً ولاح سناها
15. And they wandered in the desert which guided them to it
To the house, when they lost its way and became confused
١٥. ويعتسفون البيد يرشدهم بها
إلى الدار أن ضلو الطريق شذاها
16. And its lights guide them like the stars in the sky
When they lose their way and cannot see the moon
١٦. وتهديهم أنوارها إلا كواكب السماء
إذا حاروا ولا قمراها
17. When they see its flags, they put their cheeks
On the earth in prostration and their foreheads
١٧. إذا عاينوا أعلامها وضعوا لها
خدوداً على وجه الثرى وجباها
18. Especially when they drew near it and saw
Its gardens and fell prostrating in prayer
١٨. ولا سيما شارفوها وشاهدوا
حدائق وجاثوا بالعيون رباها
19. And fear left them and their souls became happy
With the roses of trials after reaching their goal
١٩. وزال عنهم واستلذت نفوسهم
ورود المنايا في بلوغ مناها
20. And hopes bore fruit after being impossible
By fulfilling their wishes and their success was good
٢٠. وأثمرت الآمال بعد امتناعها
بنيل أمانيهم وطاب جناها
21. And they came to the door of peace and kissed
Its soil and called out greetings with their lips
٢١. وجاءوا إلى باب السلام وقبلوا
ثراه ونادوا بالسلام شفاها
22. And travellers circled it from every direction
When nearness to it made them forget status
٢٢. وطافت به الركبان من كل وجهة
وقد أنسيت بالقرب منه وجاها
23. And the sublimity of the site overwhelmed her so she could not endure
Except tears to convey her passion to it
٢٣. وأفحمها هول المقام فلم تطق
سوى الدمع أن ينهي إليه جواها
24. And she felt a yearning that does not hide its disgrace
And intense longing that has no limit
٢٤. وبثت حنينا لا يواري أوراه
وشوقاً شديد الحال لا يتناهى
25. And zeal for the best of all people in status
And greatest of them on Judgement Day in glory
٢٥. وحلت حمى أعلى البنين رتبة
وأعظمهم يوم القيامة جاها
26. Muhammad the caller to God and the one by whom
God guided creation
٢٦. محمد الداعي إلى الله والذي
به أرشد الله الورى
27. And he will be the first one raised from his grave
To ranks with God that He granted him
٢٧. وأول من ينشق عنه ضريحه
إلى رتب عند الإله حباها
28. His great intercession to which I came to the world
Frightened by what alarmed and terrified it
٢٨. شفاعته العظمى وقد جئت الورى
لا هول ما قد راعها وعراها
29. A pool, as described in portraying his traits
From which his oppressed nation will drink
٢٩. وحوض كما قد جاء في وصف نعته
ذا هو أمته الظلماء شفاها
30. The scholars saw his traits before so gave glad tidings
To the mature world and its youth about his mission
٣٠. رأت نعته الأحبار قبل فبشرت
بمبعثه كهل الورى وفتاها
31. And told them of his characteristics as if they
Saw them directly from him and observed them
٣١. وأبدت لهم أوصافه وكأنما
تشاهدها من نفسه وتراها
32. And sincere souls among them believed him
Whom he forbade from corruption and they obeyed him
٣٢. وصدقه منهم نفوس زكية
نهاها فلم تبغ الفساد نهاها
33. While stubborn souls among them knew
The certain truth but desires covered it
٣٣. وعاندوه منهم مع العلم أنفس
محققة غطي اليقين هوها
34. And the jinn's efforts failed the day he was born
From hearing his nation so his call was lost on them
٣٤. وخابت مساعي الجن يوم ولاده
من السمع أمته فضاع عناها
35. And Chosroes' palace cracked and the fire was extinguished
And Sawa did not flood after holding back its water
٣٥. وإيوان كسرى شق والنار أخمدت
وساوة لم يجر البحيرة ماها
36. Likewise, when Halimah suckled him, she saw
Blessing enter her home from him and grace
٣٦. كذلك لما استرضعته حليمة
رأت في بيتها اليمن منه وشاها
37. She had plenty of milk as she wished and her poverty ceased
And the women of the tribe blamed her condition
٣٧. ومدت كما شاءت وزال هوالها
وذمت نساء الحي حال رجاها
38. And the signs of prophethood came to him while a child
Surpassing the lands in intelligence
٣٨. وجاءته أعلام النبوة وهو في
حراً فلقد فاق البقاع حراها
39. And Gabriel brought him the first surah
And told him "Read in His name," so he read it
٣٩. ووافاه جبريل بأول سورة
وقال له اقرأ باسمه فقراها
40. And the Merciful sent him to awaken a nation
That had long remained in the darkness of misguidance
٤٠. وأرسله الرحمن يوقظ أمة
به طال في ليل الظلال كراها
41. And the world was astounded by what his people were distinguished with
Of wisdom and guidance he was sent with
٤١. وعم الورى طراً بما خص قومه
به من سنا إرشادها وهداها
42. But they opposed him while he was truthful in their view
To let the days of stubbornness last long
٤٢. فعادوه وهو الصادق القول عندهم
ليبلغ أيام العناد مداها
43. The leaders whose righteousness God decreed responded to his call
And He inspired them to gain His guidance
٤٣. ولباه سادات قضي الله رشدها
وألهمها كيما تفوز هداها
44. Walking towards losing happiness is he who saw
The land of guidance but refused it
٤٤. دوآب بخسران السعادة من رأى
لشقوته دار الهدى فأباها
45. And his enemies were eager for the martyrdom
Of souls God loved and then met Him
٤٥. ولاقت عداه رغبة في شهادة
نفوس أحب الله ثم لقاها
46. And He supported them in their sacrifice for him in battle
With His supreme angels and repelled the enemies
٤٦. وأنجدها في ذبها عنه في الوغى
بأملاكه العليا ورد عداها
47. And He showed them with the light of his miracles
Instances of guidance He predetermined and decreed
٤٧. وأبدى لهم بالنور من معجزاته
مواقع رشد ساقها وقضاها
48. And through them He strengthened their piety and showed them
Its wisdom with visions that removed their veils
٤٨. وقوى بها تقواهم وأراهم
سناها بأبصار أزال غطاها
49. How many sublime traits that describing him with would mean
Eloquence would fall short, be incapacitated and unable
٤٩. حصرت وماذا ابتغى وصفه به
قواف لواها عجزها وثناها
50. So alas for the inadequacy at all times
And alas for wasting my life, alas
٥٠. فآها على التقصير في كل حالة
وآها على تضييع عمري آها
51. Will He let me stand at the doors
Prostrating as long as stones? Or quench my thirst with his spring?
٥١. ترى هل أراني واقفاً بعدد اللنوى
بأبوابه أو أرتوي برواها
52. And kiss a ground ennobled because the feet
Of Prophethood walked on it in the past?
٥٢. وألثم أرضا شرفت أرضها من النبوة
فيما قد مضى قدماها
53. My mouth might take a place his mouth spoke in
If my soul attains that, it would suffice
٥٣. أهل فمي يلقي مكاناً مشت به
فان ظفرت نفسي بذاك كفاها
54. And through this attain a status its rank
Would raise, for that to be its ascent
٥٤. ونالت بهذا رتبة حسب من بها
ترفع قدراً أن يكون رقاها
55. May He forgive if I slip,
And if I fear the hot springs, protect me
٥٥. عساهاإذا زلت أقال عثارها
وإن خشيت ورد الحميم وقاها
56. And even if I do not justify my love by meeting Him
And even before my death, I do not want survival
٥٦. ولو لم أعلل مهجتي بلقائه
ولو قبل موتي ما أردت بقاها
57. But it is led by weakness and frailty
To the misery of its condition and its waning
٥٧. ولكنها أودي بها الضعف التوت
بها حالتاها بؤسها ورخاها
58. I hope in God – there is no despair with God – that He
Will let my soul attain its goal
٥٨. عسى الله لا يأس مع الله أنه
يبلغ نفسي باللقاء مناها
59. And fulfill what I hope for through his status with Him
And heal souls and whoever turns to Him
٥٩. ويقضي الذي أرجوه منه بجاهه
لديه وأن شف النفوس ومن وجاها
60. And I meet Him melting, my colours
Changed by the riding beasts at every stage
٦٠. وألقى بلقيا هاذوبا لوانها
حوتها مطايا الركب كل مطاها
61. And even if my soul goes for its poverty’s need
Through his status is its richness on Judgement Day
٦١. وأن ذهبت نفسي لحاجة فقرها
ففي جاهه يوم المعاد غناها
62. Peace be upon him, however much a person
Speaks with the verses of guidance and recites them
٦٢. عليه سلام الله ما نطق امرؤ
بتحكم آيات الهدى وتلاها
63. And the sun of daytime shines in its sky
And the full moon appears in nightfall and follows it
٦٣. وما وضحت شمس الضحى في نهارها
وما لاح بدر في الدجى وتلاها