
She appeared in the darkness, that she-camel

اشرفت في السواد ذات الثور

1. She appeared in the darkness, that she-camel
So we were illuminated by the lights of that radiance

١. اشرفت في السواد ذات الثور
فاجتلينا أنوار ذاك السفور

2. And we saw the full moon appearing in her face
Rising in it wearing clothes of splendor

٢. ورأينا بوجهها البدر يبدو
طالعها في ملابس الديجور

3. And her teeth and mirror shone brilliantly
So we said, a light appeared which outshone light

٣. وبدا لامعاً سناها ومرآها
فقلنا نور بدا فرق نور

4. And we prostrated before her and took
From the earth she treads, borders of glory

٤. وسجدنا أمامهعا وأخذنا
من ترى أرضها يخط الثغور

5. And we picked the light of guidance, while she spilled blood
So we floated in a garden and lake

٥. واجتنينا نور الهدى وهما الدم
ع فطفنا في روضة وغدير

6. And the radiance of the venerable Black Stone was revealed to us
Covered from the first rays of the shining dawn

٦. وتجلى لنا سنا الحجر الأس
ود عن غرة الصباح المنير

7. Combining the image of night for beholding
And the meaning of houses

٧. جامعاً بين صورة الليل للنا
ظر فيه وبين معنى البدور

8. So we kissed it all to meet
A place distinguished by the warning prophet

٨. فلثمناه كله لنلاقي
موضعاً خص بالتثنم النذير

9. May we thereby, by that apparent effect
In some way be freed from the blazing hellfire

٩. فعسانا بذلك الأثر الظاهر
بنحو من حررنار السعير

10. And awe of her testified to us
His description in his blessed circumambulation

١٠. وعرتنا مهابة أشهدتنا
وصفه في طوافه المبرور

11. So his lights came to us, striving
Toward us in his going and passing

١١. فأتتنا أنواره وهي تسعى
نحونا في ذهابه والمرور

12. And we placed our brows on the ground in thanks
In the good soil of that pure dust

١٢. فوضعنا الجباه لله شكراً
في ثري ذلك التراب الطهور

13. And we praised Him in whose presence is the Sacred House
Who blessed us with the goodness of that attendance

١٣. وحمدنا الذي لدي حضرة البيت
حبانا بحسن ذاك الحضور

14. A place which was the origin of the guidance of creation
And wherein guidance began appearing

١٤. موطن كان منه أصل هدى الخلق
وفيه ابتدا الهدى بالظهور

15. And to it in the garb of humility strive
All with a pulpit and lord of a throne

١٥. وغليه في حلية الذل يسعى
كل ذي منبر ورب سرير

16. The scholars are equal in it, so there is no
Difference between the wealthy and the poor

١٦. يستوي العالمون فيه فلا فر
ق بين ذي الغنى والفقير

17. And they hide from the sins and burdens
They brought with the heaviness of appearing

١٧. ويخفون من ذنوب وأوزار
أتوه بها ثقال الظهور

18. And the dearest of places was to the Guide
Intercessor of mankind on the Day of Resurrection

١٨. وأحب البقاع كان إلى الهادي
شفيع الأنام يوم النشور

19. The one with miracles, among them speech
Of the staff, announcing, and speech of the camel

١٩. صاحب المعجزات منهن تسبي
ح العصا معلناً ونطق البعير

20. And the greeting of stones began by his
Command in their going and attending

٢٠. وسلام الأحجار بدأ وعودا
أمره في ذهابها والحضور

21. And the yearning cry which let the world
Hear together in the frequented mosque

٢١. وحنين الجزع الذي أسمع العالم
جمعاً في المسجد المعمور

22. So he came to him and embraced him and spent
With kindness on him the small

٢٢. فأتاه وضمه وغدا باللطف
منه مسكنا الصغير

23. And the Book which challenged mankind
So they failed due to their inadequacy and falling short

٢٣. والكتاب الذي تحدى به الخلق
فباؤوا بعجزهم والقصور

24. It confounded both mankind and jinn
They sought its like but did not find a peer

٢٤. أعجز العالمين أنسا وجنا
بحثوا الآية يبنظير

25. In it are our rulings and knowledge of what
Will come and news of what passed in ages

٢٥. فيه أحكامنا وعلم الذي يأ
تي وانباء ما مضى في الدهور

26. And evidence at the place of Resurrection guiding
Its radiance and companion in the graves

٢٦. ودليل في موقف الحشر يهدي
سناه ومؤنس في القبور

27. And intercessor also for those nearing him
Who will enjoy his accepted intercession

٢٧. وشفيع أيضاً لقاربه في المو
قف يحظى بجاهه المبرور

28. The dwelling he was brought to by the Spirit Gabriel
Stars from the Subtle, All-Aware

٢٨. منزل جاءه به الروح جبريل
نجوماً من اللطيف الخبير

29. So we were guided by its light and held fast
To the guidance from it in all matters

٢٩. فهدانا بنوره فاعتصمنا
بالهدى منه في جميع الأمور

30. And we set the excellent example of his sunna
Falling on a mountain of the land of delusion

٣٠. ووقتنا أنوار سنته المثلى
وقوعاً في جبل دار الغرور

31. And by its light he showed us every good
Which did not come to our conscience

٣١. وأرنا بنورها كل خير
لم يحل علمه لنا في الضمير

32. Would that I knew! Will I meet him
And fulfill my vows?

٣٢. ليت شعري لي إلى لقياه
أحظى به وأوفى نذوري

33. What remains of my life's journey is brief
Too short for my course

٣٣. ما بقي في عصا بقائي سير
ضاق فتر في مدتي عن مسيري

34. Except that I hope for the meeting - and what is that
Difficult for the Able God?

٣٤. غير أني أرجو اللقاء وماذا
ك عزيز على الإله القدير

35. And how much did he who had long hope attain
What he wished for in the short time

٣٥. ولكم نال ذو رجاء طويل
ما تمناه في الزمان القصير

36. And if sins have been heaped
Upon my journey from him, hindering my destiny

٣٦. ولئن كانت الذنوب تاناءت
بمسيري عنه وعاقت مصيري

37. Then my clinging to his status and my hope
That tomorrow he will be my protector

٣٧. فاعتصامي بجاهه ورجائي
أنه في غد يكون مجيري

38. And my refuge is in my Lord's pardon - for God's pardon
Is stronger than any great sin

٣٨. وملاذي بعفو ربي فعفو الله
اقوى من كل ذنب كبير

39. So upon him be peace, as long as the east wind
Stirs in the expanse of an exquisite meadow

٣٩. فعليه السلام ما خطرت ريح
الصبا في أرجاء روض نضير

40. And upon him be peace, as long as the wild cows
Call their neighing with the rocks

٤٠. وعليه السلام ما شدت الور
قاء تدعوا هديلها بالهدير