
Let my tears flow as they have found an outlet,

خل دمعي فقد اصاب مسيلا

1. Let my tears flow as they have found an outlet,
When they marched towards the beloved's departure.

١. خل دمعي فقد اصاب مسيلا
إذ أسروا نحو الحبيب الرحيلا

2. Leave me alone or whatever is upon them,
If only they had stayed on the sand dune a little.

٢. خلفوني فرد أو ماذا عليهم
لو أقاموا على الكثيب قليلا

3. Do you think they have betrayed the longing and passion for him,
As well as the desire, the night journey, and the emaciation?

٣. أتراهم خانوا عليه الجوى والشوق
والتوق والسرى والنحولا

4. So they turned away from him and left him alone,
With none but weeping as a companion.

٤. فتولوا عنه وخلوه فردا
لا يلاقي سوى البكاء خليلا

5. A lover whom sadness has left frail,
After separation has drawn him as an example.

٥. مغرم غادر الأسى جسمه الآهل
رسما بعد الفراق محيلا

6. Winds of comfort have blown upon him,
Leaving him as ruins and hills.

٦. عصفت بينه رياح ارتياح
تركنه معالماً وطلولا

7. Whenever he thought his tears would extinguish the fire of love,
The embers of longing ignited and the anguish intensified.

٧. كلما ظن دمعه يطفئ الوج
د أثار الجوى وأذكى الغليلا

8. My obvious sorrow and hidden passion have shown,
That within my ribs there is an alien disease.

٨. دل بادي الأسى وخافي جواء
أن بين الضلوع داء دخيلا

9. Passionate for the youths that pass through the neighborhood,
Enchantingly dragging their tails at night.

٩. مولع بالصبا تمر على الحي
سحيرا تجر ذيلا بليلا

10. Whenever I recall him for a short day,
I cry profusely at the meeting.

١٠. كلما إذ كرته يوماً قصيراً
بالتلاقي بكى بكاء طويلا

11. And calls upon the guide whom he hopes to reach,
If he does not respond, he calls the guide.

١١. وينادي الحادي الذي يرجو العيس
فإن لم يجبه نادي الدليلا

12. O you who travels the dunes,
Start your journey early in the morning and late at night.

١٢. أيها السائر الذي في الموامي
باكر السير بكرة وأصيلا

13. Darkness of night hurts the perished,
Walking mile after mile in the desert.

١٣. يكحل المقتلين من أثمد الليل
فيفني القفار ميلاً ميلا

14. And the destiny leans with its shoulder, over here,
Upon the cheek that does not reject the curl.

١٤. ويميل الكرى بعطفيه وهنا
فوق وجناء لا تمل الذميلا

15. He longs for the people of love in their homes,
While she longs for her rest and sleep.

١٥. فهو يبغي أهل الحمى بسراه
وهي تبغي مراحها والمقيلا

16. Do not try to reach the homes, until you see
That she longs for her rest and sleep.

١٦. لا تني في السري إلى أن ترى البا
ن تبغي مراحها والمقيلا

17. You have given good advice, so your cup has gained,
So be to the Messenger, a messenger for me.

١٧. طبت مسرى وفاز قدحك بالسول
فكن لي إلى الرسول رسولا

18. And you have reached your purpose, so may God guide you,
And relieve me of the heavy burden of my longing.

١٨. وبلغت المنى فبلغ هداك الله
عني عبء اشتياقي ثقيلا

19. Then bid farewell, and let the farewell be the soil of earth glittering,
And repeat the kissing of its soil.

١٩. ثم سلم والثم ثرى الأرض ما اسطعت
وكرر في تربها التقبيلا

20. And cry for me, for if you had reached him,
My tears would have remained pouring upon him as showers.

٢٠. وابك عني فلو وصلت إليه
ظل دمعي للسحب فيه رسيلا

21. Then say that I have left in the land of people,
A thin longing and frail passion.

٢١. ثم قل قد تركت في عرصة الدا
ر من القوم نضو وشوق عليلا

22. It is hoped that he will see your protection, though
Reaching it after estrangement is impossible.

٢٢. يرتجى أن يرى حماك وما ذا
ك وإن شفه الضنا مستحيلا

23. So hopefully your abundant grace will call him,
And guide him to the path of meeting.

٢٣. فعسى فضلك العميم يناديه
فيلقى إلى اللقاء سبيلا

24. If he could, the intensity of his passion,
Would make him a companion to the winds.

٢٤. ولو اسطاع كان من شدة الشو
ق إلى الحي للرياح زميلا

25. Not because of his purpose or consent,
Has distance from the close become a substitute.

٢٥. لا بمقصوده ولا عن رضى
منه غدا البعد للدنو بديلا

26. The only crime is that when longing to travel,
To you both, he sees it as a heavy shackle.

٢٦. إنما الذنب كلما خف للسير
إليكما تراه قيدا ثقيلا

27. And time, whenever he hopes for ease,
In pursuing his aim, appears miserly.

٢٧. وزمانإذا رجا منه سعا
ذا على قصده راء بخيلا

28. And prevents him whenever he requests,
To prolong his wishes.

٢٨. وضنى كلما تقاضى له البر
غدا بالمراد منه مطولا

29. He is over seventy, time has warned him,
Of traveling to the next life, so he has folded his tails.

٢٩. وتعدى السبعين آذنه
بالسير نحو الأخرى فضم الذيولا

30. So when his time is up and he does not reach
His wishes, he hopes for intercession from you.

٣٠. فإذا ما قضي ولم يبلغ السو
ل رجا في المعاد منك السولا

31. You, O intercessor of servants, have truly
Become the guarantor of people's hopes.

٣١. أنت يا شافع العباد بتحقيق
رجاء الورى غدوت كفيلا

32. You have great standing on the Day of Judgment,
Spacious for God, long lasting.

٣٢. لك جاه في موقف الحشر قد أضحى
عريضاً عند الإله طويلا

33. The Praised Station, the Basin, the Great Intercession
Follow in the shade of your blessed flag.

٣٣. والمقام المحمود الحوض والكو
ثر يقفو ظل اللواء الظليلا

34. So we will see you as a water bearer and guide,
If we are lost, and an accepted intercessor.

٣٤. فترى منك ساقياً ودليلا
إن ضللنا وشافعاً مقبولا

35. Carrying us all there when you are busy with yourself,
You, whom the messengers of God

٣٥. حاملاً كلنا هنالك إذ كل
تراه بنفسه مشغولا

36. Foretold the good news to the lands before, generation after generation.
And so did the monks in the deserts and the Jewish scholars,

٣٦. أنت من بشرت به رسل
الله البرايا من قبل جيلاً جيلا

37. They narrated and conveyed descriptions of him, transmitted.
And glad tidings continued through revelations in sanctuaries,

٣٧. وكذاك الرهبان في القفر والأ
حبار قصوا وصفا له منقولا

38. Reciting them sorrowfully while traveling and on the plains.
The devils were blocked from hearing of him,

٣٨. وتوالت بشرى الهواتف في الأقطا
ر تفقوا حزونها والسهولا

39. To him they were unable to reach.
Through him God protected the people of His House,

٣٩. وبه صدت الشياطين عن سمع
إليه كانت تطيق الوصولا

40. Repelled enemies, and made the elephant army return.
And the good news of prophethood came to him in the cave of Hira,

٤٠. وبه صان أهل كعبته الله
وصد العدا ورد الفيلا

41. With contentment and Gabriel.
He came with the Wise Remembrance and said “Read”,

٤١. وأتته بشرى النبوة في غا
ر حرار مع الرضى جبريلا

42. And revealed to him a profound discourse.
It rendered humans and jinn incapable with a chapter of it,

٤٢. جاء بالذكر الحكيم وقال اقرأ
وألقى عليه قولاً ثقيلا

43. So they failed and turned away.
Thus He guided us through him, and you are the Remembrance,

٤٣. أعجز الأنس سورة منه والجن
فولوا عجزاً وحادوا نكولا

44. A book and a prophet messenger.
Our book and God’s Messenger have sufficed us

٤٤. فهدانا به وناهيك بالذكر
كتاباً وبالنبي رسولا

45. As a guide and evidence in the religion.
With this and that God has guided us to the truth,

٤٥. وكفانا كتابنا ورسول الله
في الدين هادياً ودليلا

46. So we found the path.
We have preserved it in our hearts, so we have succeeded

٤٦. فبهذا وذاك أرشدنا الله إلى
الحق فاهتدينا السبيلا

47. And recited its verses rhythmically.
We are tasked with it until we meet God as judges,

٤٧. فحفظناه في الصدور ففز
نا ورتلنا آياته ترتيلا

48. Then when we complete its recitation, the next recitation becomes the first,
Like one who yearns for the homes, whenever he reaches his destination,

٤٨. وكلفنا به فلم نستطع عنه
إلى أن نلتقي الإله عدولا

49. He repeats the journey.
Therefore send blessings upon the Messenger,

٤٩. فإذا استكملنا قراءته عد
نا فصارت أخرى التلاوة أولا

50. To whom God revealed His Book as a revelation.
Blessings from his Lord and fragrant greetings

٥٠. مثل سار يهوى السرى كلما صا
ر إلى قصده أعاد الرحيلا

51. As long as the doves coo.

٥١. فعلى المرسل الذي أنزل الله
عليه كتابه تنزيلا

٥٢. صلوات من ربه وسلام
عاطر ما دعا الحمام هديلا