
Ask the caravan if they passed by Jur'ā' Mālik

سل الركب هل مروا بجرعاء مالك

1. Ask the caravan if they passed by Jur'ā' Mālik
And if they saw a heart I left there

١. سل الركب هل مروا بجرعاء مالك
وهل عاينوا قلباً تركت هنالك

2. My covenant with it the day I departed from the sanctuary
And it was lost to me among those roads

٢. فعهدي به يوم الرحيل عن الحمى
وقد ضاع مني بين تلك المسالك

3. I reckon it between Sila' and Qubā'
It stayed or else it is between that

٣. وأحسبه ما بين سلع إلى قبا
اقام وإلا فهو ما بين ذلك

4. Good fortune to it, the abode, by interpretation of the pious
And the guide of guidance flowing and the walk of angels

٤. وطوبى له المثوي بتأويل ذوي التقي
ومغني الهدى الساري ومسرى الملائك

5. The places where I was taken captive by God and guided
By it every walker in existence and wayfarer

٥. مواطن من أسري به الله واهتدى
به كل سار في الوجود وسالك

6. The prophet of guidance, guide of creation, essence of piety
Shelter of the wilds from the pitfalls of destruction

٦. نبي الهدى هادي الورى معدن التقى
مجير البرايا من مهاوي المهالك

7. And their conveyor to the gardens of Eden, they went to it
With the virgins and boys atop the couches

٧. وموصلهم جنات عدن غدوا لها
مع الحوار والولدان فوق الأرائك

8. Muḥammad sent to creation as a mercy
And people have nothing but perdition and son of perdition

٨. محمد المبعوث للخلق رحمة
وما للناس إلا هالك وابن هالك

9. He saved them from it with guidance so he who
Answered the call of that pursuing guidance was guided

٩. تداركهم منه الهدى فاهتدى الذي
أجاب ندا ذاك الهدى المتدارك

10. And he who twisted from the right path and intent
By a night of tyranny, gloomy and murky

١٠. وصل الذي ألوي عن الرشد والنوى
بليل من الطغيان اسود حالك

11. With his birth the universe lit up and the Lord of the land shone
With the blessed, radiant face

١١. بمولده ضاء الوجود واشرقت
ربا الأرض بالوجه الأغر المبارك

12. And the devils were deafened and there shot
At them meteors of flame-kindling comets

١٢. وصدت عن السمع الشياطين وانبرت
إليها رجوم من نجوم شوابك

13. And singled him out above all prophets
With attributes in which he has no partner

١٣. وخصته دون الأنبياء جميعهم
خصائص ما فيها له من مشارك

14. By him the Sacred House was cleansed of harm
Of the circumambulation of the naked and loose women

١٤. به طهر البيت المحرم من أذى
طواف العرايا والنساء العوارك

15. And by him the idols were brought down from it and its environs
Were cleansed of those spilled bloody sacrifices

١٥. وحطت به الأوثان عنه ونزهت
نواحيه عن تلك الدماء الصوائك

16. And people came on pilgrimage to it, living by his law
And the light of his guidance—he has no equal in ritual

١٦. وحجته أقوام أقاموا بشرعه
ونور هداه ماله من مناسك

17. Coming disheveled, consecrated as if they
Had come from graves in the twisting and writhing

١٧. يلبون شعثاً محرمين كأنما
أتوا من قبور باللوى فالدكادك

18. The mantle of the tranquility of their religion is upon them
Enveloping them from peak to bottom

١٨. عليهم شعار من سكينة دينهم
تعمهم ما بين لاه وناسك

19. As if in the Resurrection there is no difference among them
One sees between slave and lord there

١٩. كأنهم في البعث لا فرق فيهم
يرى بين مملوك هناك ومالك

20. No difference between a comer going about and a devout
No difference between the rich and the impoverished

٢٠. ولا بين باد جاء يسعى وعاكف
ولا بين أرباب الغنى والصعالك

21. They are equalized through him in their purpose and excel
Through their devotion, not through wealth and kingdoms

٢١. تساووا به في قصدهم وتفاضلوا
بإخلاصهم لا بالغنى والممالك

22. Were it not for him, the journey would not be pleasant to Tayba
Nor this sphere above the lowly and the scaffolds

٢٢. ولولاه ما طاب السرى نحو طيبة
ولذا الكرى فوق الذرى والحوارك

23. Nor would the hands of the sleepers dispute their eyelids
So who would take from it and who would leave it

٢٣. ولا نازعت أيدي الرقاد جفونهم
فمن آخذ منه وآخر تارك

24. Nor would they don the garb of darkness and make
The palms of their weak hands pillows in the Blessed one

٢٤. ولا أدرعوا ثوب الدجى وتوسدوا
وسائد أيدي عيسهم في المبارك

25. Nor would the steeds of every melody
Wear the necklaces of melting tears

٢٥. ولا قلدت أجياد كل تنوقة
فرائد سلك الأدمع المتهالك

26. Nor would they abandon the pleasant, fragrant shade
And news of it—the abandonment of the wild gazelles

٢٦. ولا هجروا برد الظلال وطيبها
وأنباءها هجر الغواني الفواتك

27. Nor would they face the heat of the burning sands and protect
Their faces from it, every wayfarer

٢٧. ولا قابلوا حر الهواجر واتقوا
بأوجههم من وجهها كل سالك

28. Nor would the rider praise his morning journey
And blame the evil of the day of impending separation

٢٨. ولا حمد الساوي صباح مسيره
وذم سنا يوم الفراق المواشك

29. And that is only because they sought the Sublime
So the flowers of guidance were made sweet to them, not that

٢٩. وما ذاك إلا أنهم طلبوا العلى
فلذ لهم ورد الردى دون ذلك

30. And they fulfilled their vows to meet Him and accepted
Seeing Him relieving the steep ascent

٣٠. ووفوا بلقياه النذور وقبلوا
برؤياه إخفاف المعلي الرواتك

31. Were it not for him, souls would not be sold in obedience to God
And taken in battle amidst the clashes

٣١. ولولاه ما بيعت وخالقها اشترى
نفوس حماة الدين بين المعارك

32. Nor would the faces of honorable heroes be forgiven
Beneath the blows of swords in the cause

٣٢. ولا غفرت في طاعة الله في الوغى
وجوه كرام تحت وقع السنابك

33. Nor would the heights shine and his sword's triumph flash
Around the high places amidst the sparkling blades

٣٣. ولا اشرفت والنصر تجلى نصاله
حوالي العوالي في الخطواب الحوالك

34. And they said to the whites of India, "Bleed your borders,
Come, we have not recoiled from your fang."

٣٤. وقالوا لبيض الهند تدمي ثغورها
هلمي فأنا لم نهب وقع نابك

35. Until they established the religion, and through them
The grinning mouths of death smiled

٣٥. إلى أن أقاموا الدين وابتسمت بهم
نواجذ أفواه المنايا الضواحك

36. They attained the fruits of their purpose from victory
The rods of the penetrating swords

٣٦. والووا وقد أجنهم ثمر المنى
من النصر قضبان السيوف البواتك

37. Were it not for him, we would not know misguidance from guidance
And our devotion would be like that of an infidel

٣٧. ولولاه لم ندر الضلان من الهدي
وكان لدينا ناسك مثل فاتك

38. Upon him, may God's peace, the hands of the ignorant
Did not come on pilgrimage to visit him

٣٨. عليه سلام الله ما وفدت إلى
زيارته أيدي الهجان الأوارك

39. Nor did the wind of the breeze blow upon the dust of the shrine
Garments woven by the creeping vermin

٣٩. وما رنحت ريح الصبا في ذرى الربا
ملابس من نسج الحيا المتلاحك

40. Nor did the light of day smile in the bloom of earth
With the blinking of the heavy-lidded eyes of the plateau

٤٠. وما افتر ثغر النور في نضر الثرى
بمهل أجفان الغوادي السوافك