
He who kohl'd the black eyelid with languor

من كحل المقلة السوداء بالدعج

1. He who kohl'd the black eyelid with languor,
And rouged the red cheek with shyness,

١. مَنْ كَحَّلَ المُقْلَةَ السَّوْداءَ بِالدَّعَجِ
وَخَضَّبَ الوَجْنَةَ الحَمْراءَ بالضَّرَجِ

2. He who plucked those tender blossoms,
And waged war with the sword of glance,

٢. وَمَنْ عَلى ذَلِكَ الوَرْدِ الجَنِيِّ جَنَى
وَمَنْ بِسَيْفِ التَّجَنِّي خَاضَ في المُهَجِ

3. As if a pen its writer courses,
Sketching a subtle "L" on ruby with gold;

٣. كَأَنَّما قَلَمٌ أَجْراهُ كاتِبُهُ
فَخطَّ لاماً على اليَاقُوتِ بالسَّبجِ

4. O you who blame me, excuse my love for him,
No blame lies on the impassioned lover;

٤. يا عَاذِلي كُنْ عَذِيري في مَحبَّتِهِ
فَمَا عَلى العاشِق المَفْتُونِ مِنْ حَرَجِ

5. Blessed by God - how beautiful you seem to me!
Sublime the Maker of this cheerful sight,

٥. تَبارَكَ اللَّه ما أَحْلاكَ في نَظَرِي
وَجَلَّ خَالقُ هذا المَنْظَرِ البَهِجِ

6. When the garden of his cheek appears,
Its blossoms make all else superfluous;

٦. وَإِنْ بَدا رَوْضُ خَدَّيهِ وَوَجْنَتِه
أَغْنَتْ بأَزْهارِهَا عَنْ سَائِر الفُرَجِ

7. With those two gardens that I dyed with my blood,
And you shone crimson from the blood of passion;

٧. بِوَجْنَتَيْكَ الَّتِي خَضَّبتُها بِدَمِي
وَأَشْرَقتَ باحْمِرارٍ مِنْ دَمِ المُهَجِ

8. Do not slay the love-struck with disdain, O my hope!
Have mercy on a loving heart enslaved by desire for you!

٨. لا تَقْتُل الصَّبَّ بالهِجْرانِ يا أَمَلي
وَارْفُقْ بِقَلْبِ مُحبٍّ في هَواكَ شَجِي