
In the wind there is a secret joy whispering

في الراح سر بالسرور يحصص

1. In the wind there is a secret joy whispering,
So for that reason, when cups appear they dance.

١. في الرَّاحِ سرٌّ بالسُّرور يُحَصِّصُ
فَلِذا الحَبابُ إِذَا تَبدَّتْ يَرْقُصُ

2. Bring from a coffee house's eye a cup of coffee,
Their words about it increase and decrease.

٢. قُمْ هاتِهَا مِنْ عَيْنِ دارا قَهْوةً
أَقْوالُهُمْ فيها تَزيدُ وَتَنْقُصُ

3. Its price was not inflated at its seller???s,
Since everything delicious is cheap in pleasure.

٣. لم يُغْلِهَا ثَمَنٌ لَدَى خُطَّابِها
إِذْ كُلُّ غالٍ في اللَّذاذةِ يَرْخُصُ

4. And extract it from the palm of sweet fault,
Kindly joking sincerely makes [one] affectionate.

٤. واسْتَجْلِها مِنْ كَفِّ مَعْسُولِ اللَّمى
حُلْوُ الفُكَاهَةِ لِلتَّودُّدِ يُخْلِصُ

5. And enjoy the pleasure of your vanishing life, so stare
Towards time???s betrayal, an eye most cunning.

٥. وَاغْنَمْ لَذاذةَ عَيْشِكَ الفاني فَطرْ
فُ الدَّهْرِ نَحْوَ الغَدْرِ طَرْفٌ أَخْوَصُ