1. Beginnings of love have no endings
Thoughts that do not cease to recur
١. أَوائِلُ حُبٍّ ما لَهُنّ أَواخِرُ
خَواطِرُ لا تَنْفكُّ عَنْهَا الخَواطِرُ
2. In love there is meaning that evades your thinking
In the heart there is refuge that turns from your gaze
٢. فَفِي الحُبّ مَعْنىً يَنْثَني عَنْكَ فِكْرهُ
وفِي القلبِ مَأْوىً يَلْتَوِي عَنْكَ نَاظِرُ
3. So my heart lies sunk in the sea of passion
Drowning while my essence flies free in the sky of desire
٣. فَقلْبيَ في بَحْرِ الصَّبابةِ وَاقعٌ
غَرِيقٌ ولُبِّي في فَضَا الوَجْدِ طائِرُ
4. My breath rises from my burning pain
My tears flow down the banks of my longing
٤. وَلي نَفَسٌ مِنْ لَوْعَتي مُتَصاعِدٌ
وَدَمْعي على شَطّ النَّوَى مُتَحادِرُ
5. Balanced, perfection itself made beauty
But when it comes to love, it is biased
٥. وَمُعْتَدِلٍ قَدْ أَنْصَفَ الحُسْنُ خَلْقَهُ
ولكنَّهُ في مَذْهَبِ الحُبِّ جائِرُ
6. His cheek cools my heart though it's fiery embers
His glance burns my heart though it's chilled
٦. يُبرّدُ قلبي خَدُّه وهُوَ جَمْرَةٌ
ويَحْرِقُ قَلْبي طَرْفُهُ وهُوَ فَاتِرُ
7. I confess and conceal, such is the way of passion
For yearning has one who chides and one who refuses
٧. أَبُوحُ وأُخْفِي هكذا سُنَّةُ الهَوَى
ولِلصَّبِّ في الشَّكْوَى عَذُولٌ وعَاذِرُ
8. My tongue and tears vent all that fervor brings
My innermost self conceals all that affection contains
٨. وَلِلْوَجْدِ ما أَنْشَا لِسَاني ومَدْمَعِي
وَلِلْودِّ ما ضمَّت عليه السَّرائِرُ