
May God prolong the days of union

أدام الله أيام الوصال

1. May God prolong the days of union
And make immortal the life of those nights

١. أَدامَ اللَّهُ أَيامَ الوِصَالِ
وَخَلَّدَ عُمْرَ هَاتِيكَ اللَّيالي

2. And extend the shade of the branches of proximity
And increase their curvature with excellent balance

٢. وَأَسْبَغَ ظِلَّ أَغْصانِ التَّداني
وَزَادَ قُدُودَها حُسْنَ اعْتِدالِ

3. And the fruits of intimacy in them continue
To increase in delicacy in every state

٣. وَلا زالتْ ثِمَارُ الأنسِ فِيهَا
تَزيدُ لطافةً في كُلّ حالِ

4. And eyes for us in them have not ceased
To flirt with my eyelids, shy as a gazelle

٤. وَلا بَرِحَتْ لَنَا فيها عُيونٌ
تُغازِلُ مُقْلتي خَشْفِ الغَزَالِ

5. Nights have passed for us in them
As if their structure were a necklace of pearls

٥. لَقَدْ مَرَّتْ لَنَا فيها ليالٍ
كَأَنَّ نِظَامَهَا عِقْدُ اللآلي

6. We stayed in the protection of the prince of beauty
Around him fluttered the banners of perfection

٦. أَقَمْنَا في جَنَابِ أَميرِ حُسْنٍ
عُقِدْنَ عَليهِ أَلوِيَةُ الجَمالِ