
If the daughter of the grape cluster were not in his mouth,

لو لم تكن ابنة العنقود في فمه

1. If the daughter of the grape cluster were not in his mouth,
Abu Lahab's face would not be so rosy.

١. لَوْ لَمْ تَكُن ابنَةُ العُنْقُودِ في فَمِهِ
مَا كَانَ في خَدِّه القاني أَبو لَهَبِ

2. May the hands of my reproacher wither, for they have defamed him,
The bearer of roses, not the bearer of firewood.

٢. تَبَّتْ يَدا عَاذِلي فيهِ فوجْنَتُهُ
حَمَّالةُ الوَرْدِ لا حَمَّالة الحَطَبِ