
A moon shining through the gloom of nightfall

قمر يجلو دجى الغلس

1. A moon shining through the gloom of nightfall
Dazzling all eyes since it appeared

١. قَمَرٌ يَجْلُو دُجَى الغَلَسِ
بَهَرَ الأَبْصَارَ مُذْ ظَهَرا

2. Safe from any hint of slander
I melted in love for him despite the slander

٢. آمِنٌ مِنْ شُبْهَةِ الكَلَفِ
ذُبتُ فِي حِبَّيْهِ بِالكَلَفِ

3. He kept striving to reach me
At the feet of the buckets and water wheels

٣. لَمْ يَزَلْ يَسْعَى إلى تَلَفِي
برِكَابِ الدّلِّ وَالصّلْفِ

4. Oh if not for the guards' eyes
I'd have attained union with him in power

٤. آه لَوْلا أَعْيُنُ الحَرَسِ
نِلْتُ مِنْهُ الوَصْلَ مُقْتَدِرَا

5. O prince, my neighbor since you assumed power
How can you not mourn for one so afflicted as I?

٥. يَا أَمِيراً جَارَ مُذْ وَلِيا
كَيْفَ لا تَرْثِي لِمَنْ بُليا

6. Console me with a smile from you
That has ripened in flavor and beauty

٦. فَبِثغرٍ مِنْكَ لِي جُلِيا
قَدْ حَلا طَعْماً وَقَدْ حَلِيا

7. With what you've been granted of generosity
Be generous, for you've not much longer remained

٧. وَبِمَا أُوتِيتَ مِنْ كَيَسٍ
جُدْ فَمَا أَبْقَيْتَ مُصْطَبِرا

8. You have a cheek, Abu al-Faraj
Adorned with blushing and down

٨. لَكَ خَدّ يَا أَبَا الفَرَجِ
زُيِّنَ بِالتَّوْرِيدِ وَالضَّرَجِ

9. And sweet aromatic conversation
That has captivated my heart without reserve

٩. وَحَدِيثٍ عَاطِرِ الأَرَجِ
كَمْ سَبَى قَلْبِي بِلا حَرَجِ

10. If the branch saw you it wouldn't touch
Or the moon saw you it would hide

١٠. لَوْ رَآكَ الغُصْنُ لَمْ يَمِسِ
أَوْ رَآكَ البَدْرُ لاسْتَتَرا

11. A full moon in beauty and charm
And so they titled him "The Charming One"

١١. بَدْرُ تَمٍّ في الجَمَالِ سَنِي
وَلِهَذَا لَقَّبُوهُ سَنِي

12. With a radiant, beautiful smile
That has captivated me with pleasure and joy

١٢. بِمُحَيَّا بَاهِرٍ حَسَنِ
قَدْ سَبَانِي لَذَّةَ الوَسَنِ

13. He is my conqueror and despoiler
So narrate to me the tale of my wonder

١٣. هُوَ خَشْفِي وَهْوَ مُفْتَرِسِي
فَاروِ عَنْ أُعْجُوبَتِي خَبرا

14. You have excelled in dazzling beauty
O melter of my being into liquid!

١٤. فُقْتَ فِي الحُسْنِ البُدُورَ مَدا
يَا مُذِيباً مُهْجَتِي كَمَدا

15. Will you show me more disregard?
Strange that you would cure blindness!

١٥. هَلْ تُرِيني لِلْجَفَا أَمَدَا
عَجباً أَنْ تُبْرِئ الرَّمَدَا

16. And with the sickness of onlookers be veiled
So your bewitching eyelid broke and turned away

١٦. وَبِسُقْمِ النّاظِرِينَ كُسِي
جَفْنُكَ السَّحَّارُ فَانْكَسَرَا