1. For the tears shed from his scattered smile,
And for what was etched in his ruby from emerald,
١. أَما وَلَآلٍ مِنْ شَتِيتِ ابْتِسَامِهِ
وَمَا خُطَّ في يَاقُوتِهِ مِنْ زَبَرْجَدِ
2. Indeed he had let pearls flow over languor -
As I let languor flow over pearls.
٢. لَقَدْ باتَ يُجْرِي لُؤْلُؤاً فَوْقَ عَنْدَمٍ
كما بِتُّ أُجْرِي عَنْدَماً فَوْقَ عَسْجَدِ
3. And here is silver melted into pink.
So O my lively love since I fell for him,
٣. فَهَذَا عَقِيقٌ ذَائِبٌ في مُعَصْفَرٍ
وَهَذا جُمانٌ سَائِلٌ في مُورَّدِ
4. My eyes have tended a female ostrich and her chick.
Be gentle. Had you shot your arrow into the horizon
٤. فَيا فَرْقَدَ الحيِّ الَّذي مُذْ هَويتُهُ
تَكَفَّلَ طَرْفي رَعْي نَسْرٍ وفَرْقَدِ
5. It would have fled at dawn from every deaf rock.
And had you shot me with any arrow but that of separation
٥. تَأَنّ فَلَوْ أَرْسَلْتَ سَهْمَكَ في الصَفا
غَدا مارِقاً مِنْ كُل صَمَّاء جلْمَدِ
6. My affection would not have penetrated my coat of armor.
You refused and did not send a comforter to the wakeful,
٦. وَلَوْ بِسِوَى سَهْمِ الفِرَاقِ رَمَيْتَنِي
حَنانَيْكَ لَمْ يَنْفُذْ بِدرْعِ تَجلُّدِي
7. You blocked and left no heart for the extinguished.
You set up nooses of sorrow to catch him -
٧. صَدَدْتَ فَلَمْ تَبْعَثْ رُقَاداً لِسَاهِرٍ
وَصِدْتَ فَلَمْ تَتْرُكْ فُؤَاداً لِمكْمَدِ
8. So you punished my eyelids with perpetual sleeplessness.
And he approached, under his hair like the moon in the gloom,
٨. نَصَبْتَ حِبالاتِ الكَرَى لاقْتِناصِهِ
فَعاقَبْتَ جَفْنِي بالسُّهَادِ المُؤبَّدِ
9. On a branch of emblic like the loving vine.
٩. وَأَقْبَلَ تَحْتَ الشَّعرِ كالبَدْرِ في الدُّجَى
عَلى مِثْلِ غصْنِ البانةِ المُتأَوِّدِ