
My love and affection are his

له مني المحبة والوداد

1. My love and affection are his
While from him come estrangement and distance

١. له مِنّي المَحبَّةُ وَالوِدَادُ
وَلِي مِنْهُ القَطِيعَةُ والبُعَادُ

2. So my heart cannot bear patience
Nor can my eyelids abandon drowsiness

٢. فقلبي لا يُلَائِمُهُ اصْطِبارٌ
وَجفْنِي لا يُفارِقهُ السُّهَادُ

3. I was charged with loving a fickle lover
So the past with him cannot be relived

٣. كَلِفْتُ بِحبّهِ صُوفيَّ وَصْلٍ
فَماضِيهِ إِليْهِ لا يُعادُ