1. O you who sleeps with eyelids closed, why does the eye slumber?
Speak of that, for in love there is no concealment,
١. يا رَاقِدَ الطَرْفِ ما لِلطَّرْفِ إغفاءُ
حَدّثْ بِذاكَ فما في الحُبِّ إخْفاءُ
2. Surely the nights and days of my love for you
Have tales and news of beauty and passion.
٢. إنَّ اللَّياليَ وَالأيَّامَ مِنْ غَزَلي
في الحُسْنِ والحُبّ أَبْناءٌ وأَنباءُ
3. Each companion in love becomes intimate,
And each drinking partner becomes verdant in life.
٣. إذْ كلّ نافرةٍ في الحُبّ آنِسةٌ
وَكُلّ مَائِسَةٍ في الحَيِّ خَضْراءُ
4. The elite of life is an ocean, youth are ships,
And to revelry there are moorings and sailings.
٤. وَصَفْوَةُ الدَّهْرِ بَحْرٌ والصّبا سُفُنٌ
وَللِخلاعَةِ إرْساءٌ وإسْراءُ
5. O dwellers of Egypt, yearning has brought us together
After separation, and being together is fragmentary.
٥. يا ساكِني مِصْر شَمْلُ الشّوْقِ مُجْتَمِعٌ
بَعْدَ الفِراقِ وَشَمْلُ الوَصْلِ أَجْزاءُ
6. As if, after your absence, the era of youth
Became, because of frivolity, an era of tardiness.
٦. كأنّ عَصْرَ الصِّبا مِنْ بَعْدِ فُرْقَتِكُمْ
عَصْرُ التّصابي بِهِ لِلّهْوِ إِبْطاءُ
7. A valiant man's heart fears not love's fire,
If in it lies solace for Abraham.
٧. نارَ الهَوَى لَيْس يَخْشَى مِنْكِ قُلْبُ فَتىً
يكونُ فيهِ لإبراهيمَ أَرْجَاءُ
8. A reproach is seen by the hopeful suitor directly,
While generosity from another is merely a sign and wink.
٨. نَدْبٌ يَرَى جُودَهُ الرّاجي مُشافَهَةً
والجُودُ مِنْ غَيرِهِ رَمْزٌ وإِيْماءُ
9. A man of ambition, if the horizons journeyed for him,
Would have abundant wealth, untouched by measly gains.
٩. ذُو هِمَّةٍ لو غَدتْ لِلأُفْقِ ما رَحَلَتْ
لَه ثُريّا وَلا جَازَتْهُ جَوْزاءُ
10. Were it not for your brother and his noble deeds,
Naught would contain you but the wilderness.
١٠. لَوْلَا أخُوكَ ولا أَلْفى مَكارِمَهُ
لَمْ تَحْو غَيْرَ الَّذي تَحْوِيه بَطْحَاءُ
11. Yet I replaced a cloud with its likeness,
Since in both this and that lies the water.
١١. لَكِنْ تَعَوَّضْتُ عَنْ سُحْبٍ بِمُشْبهِهِ
إِذْ سُحْبُ هَذا وهَذا فِيهِما المَاءُ
12. With that is refreshing shade and cool breezes,
And with this a clear spring and gusts of wind.
١٢. وَعِنْدَ ذَلِكَ ظِلٌّ بارِدٌ شَبِمٌ
وَعِنْدَ ذا مَنْهَلٌ صَافٍ وأَهْواءُ
13. To you both I sent verses in praise,
With open areas of sublimity and firmament.
١٣. إِلَيْكَ أَرْسَلْتُ أبياتاً لِمَدْحِكُما
في سَاحَتَيْهِنّ إسْراء وإرْسَاءُ
14. None were empowered by a rhyme,
Nor tread by sequencing and pacing.
١٤. لم يَقوَ مِنهنّ إقْواءٌ لِقَافِيَةٍ
وَلَمْ يَطأْهُنّ في التَّرْتيبِ إيْطاءُ
15. For my poetry is unique, individuated verses,
While others' is rabble and clamor.
١٥. فإنّ نَظْمِي أفرادٌ مُعدّدةٌ
وَنظْمُ غَيْري رُعاعاتٌ وغَوْغاءُ
16. So an undistinguished piece of it cannot be compared
To a pearl - this is a cure, and the ignorant's words are sickness.
١٦. فلا يُقاسُ بِدُرٍّ مِنْه مُخْشَلبٌ
هَذا دَواءٌ وَقَوْلُ الجاهِلِ الدّاءُ
17. From me to you, greetings that have continued since dawn,
Their fragrance diffusing perfume in the universe.
١٧. عَلَيْكَ مِنّي سَلامٌ ما سَرَتْ سَحَراً
نُسَيْمَةٌ عِطْرُها في الكَوْنِ دَرَّاءُ