1. My hearing has inclined towards those who blame you
This hint of speech should suffice you
١. قَدْ مَالَ سَمْعِي إِلى عُذَّالِهِ فِيكَا
يَكْفِيكَ تَلْوِيحُ هَذا القَوْلِ يَكْفِيكَا
2. How long have you thought with hatred? How can I appease you?
While I think with love, how can I please you?
٢. كَمْ بِتَّ تَفْكُر بُغْضاً كَيْف تُسْخِطُني
وَبِتُّ أَفْكرُ حُبّاً كَيْفَ أُرْضِيكَا
3. O my eyes, sleep not in fantasy, and
O my heart, rest from the love of one who almost destroyed you
٣. يا نَاظِريَّ ارْقُدا لا لِلخيالِ وَيا
قَلْبي اسْترِحْ مِنْ هَوَى مَنْ كَادَ يُفْنِيكَا
4. And how can I satisfy myself to blacken one
Who was not satisfied that I had become his slave?
٤. وَكَيْفَ أَرْضَي لِنَفْسي أَنْ أُسوِّدَ مَنْ
لَمْ يَرْضَ أَنّي لَهُ أَصْبَحْتُ مَمْلُوكَا