1. For discord and accord, you have issues
And traits, or for the sublime, were it not for you
١. مَنْ لِلخلافِ وَللوفاقِ مَسائلاً
وَخَصائِلاً أَوْ لِلْعُلى لَوْلاكُمُ
2. The hope of the aspirant on Judgment Day is
Your intercession, and before that day, your friendship
٢. حَسْبُ المُرجِّي في المعادِ شَفاعةٌ
مِنْكُمْ ومِنْ قَبْلِ المعادِ نَداكُمُ
3. Were the name of the righteous mentioned, it would not have gone
Through the mind of the one hearing your mention
٣. لَوْ أُطْلقَ اسْمُ النيّراتِ لما سَرَى
ذِهْنُ الّذي هُوَ سامعٌ لِسِواكُمُ
4. Or if after Ahmad there was a revelation sent down
Signs for you would have appeared in it, and proofs
٤. أو كانَ وَحْيٌ بَعْدَ أَحْمَدَ مُرْسلٌ
لبدتْ لَكُمْ آيٌ بِهِ وَعَلائِمُ
5. Minds compete in comprehending you
And the swiftest among them misses much of your extent
٥. تَتَسابقُ الأذهانُ في إدْراكِكُمْ
وَيفوتُ أَسْبَقُهَا أَقلَّ مَداكُمُ
6. Uthman your grandfather, and that suffices him
And that suffices you, and that is enough of you
٦. عُثْمانُ جَدّكُم وَذَلِكَ حَسْبهُ
وَكَفى وَذَلِكَ حَسْبُكُم وَكَفاكُمُ
7. The sun of Shariah would not be desolate without you
For its survival depends on your survival
٧. لا أوْحَشَتْ شَمْسُ الشَّرِيعَةِ مِنْكُمُ
فَبقاؤُها مُتعلِّقٌ بِبقاكُمُ