1. Is there a tyrannical unifier who found no consolation in union?
Or a supporter of my eyelids against wakefulness?
١. هَلْ جَابِرٌ جَائِرٌ بالوَصْلِ لَمْ يَجُدِ
أَمْ نَاصِرٌ جَفْنِي عَلى السَّهَدِ
2. He of happy condition does not fold his cloaks.
The hand of passion folds them, and the hand of sickness.
٢. مُنعَّمُ البالِ لا تُثْنِي مَعَاطِفَهُ
يَدُ الغَرامِ وتُثْنيها يَدُ المَيَدِ
3. In his body is a gentleness with which a ruggedness melts away.
If a passion stirs him, it stirs the grief of my body.
٣. في جِسْمِهِ تَرَفٌ يَنْدَى بِهِ صَلِفٌ
إِنْ هَزَّهُ هَيَفٌ هَزَّ الضَّنَى جَسَدِي
4. Your name is divided in a way you wanted,
The "sad" is your eye, and the rest is on my liver.
٤. تَقَسَّم اسْمُكَ تَقْسِيماً أَردْتَ بِهِ
الصَّادُ عَيْنُكَ والبَاقِي على كَبِدِي