
When will the offender show mercy, and fulfill his promises?

متى يعطف الجاني وتقضى وعوده

1. When will the offender show mercy, and fulfill his promises?
For his estrangement has been long, and his hostility.

١. مَتَى يَعْطِفُ الجانِي وَتُقْضَى وعُودُهُ
فَقَدْ طَالَ مِنْهُ هَجْرُهُ وصُدودُهُ

2. More abhorrent to me than my dreams is his kindness,
And his vows are more false than the ghosts of delusion.

٢. أَشدُّ نِفَاراً مِنْ مَنامِي عَطْفُهُ
وَأَكْذَبُ مِنْ طَيْفِ الخَيالِ وُعُودُهُ

3. A crescent far from fulfillment - who can attain it?
And a lush meadow - who can lead their camels to graze it?

٣. هِلالٌ بَعيدُ النَّيْلِ مَنْ ذَا يَرومُهُ
ومَرْعىً خَصِيبُ الرَّوضِ مَنْ ذَا يَرُودُهُ

4. His glances unsheathe swords against me while sheathed towards others,
When he seeks to kill those who love him, through them he is lethal.

٤. يَسُلُّ سُيُوفَ اللَّحْظِ مِنْهُ فَبِيضُهُ
إِذَا رامَ فَتْكَاً في المُحبِّين سُودُهُ

5. When his hair entraps morning light in its chains,
That's when his shackles cannot be undone.

٥. إِذَا أَسَرَتْ صَبّاً سَلاسِلُ شَعْرِهِ
فَذَاكَ الَّذي ما إِنْ تُفَكَّ قُيُودُهُ

6. He brings sorrow to my heart, steering it,
And drives away sleep from my eyes, warding it off.

٦. يَسُوقُ إِلى قَلْبِي الضَّنَا ويقُودُهُ
ويَطْرُدُ عَنْ جَفْنِي الكَرَى ويذُودُهُ

7. He shows me his firm stance, his rising up,
And tells of his stillness, his sitting down.

٧. يُريني قَضِيبَ البانِ مِنْهُ نُهُوضُهُ
ويَحْكي كَثِيبَ الرَّمْلِ مِنْهُ قُعُودُهُ

8. And if I come desiring his affection, he increases his rejection,
As if by his estrangement, I have asked for more.

٨. وَإِنْ جِئْتُ أَبْغي وَصْلَهُ زَادَ صَدَّهُ
كَأَنِّي منُ هِجْرانِهِ اسْتَزِيدُهُ

9. It's as if we divided Sha'ban between us,
Based on what would please passion, and what it desires.

٩. كأنّا قَسَمْنا نِصْفَ شَعْبَان بَيْنَنَا
عَلى حُكْم ما يُرْضِي الهَوَى ويُريدُهُ

10. His sweetness in his mouth and his speech,
And his fires in my innermost heart, and his fuel.

١٠. حَلَاوَتُهُ في ثَغْرِهِ وَكَلامِهِ
ونِيرَانُهُ في مُهْجَتِي وَوَقِيْدُهُ