
In the mosque's courtyard walked Shadan today

تمشى بصحن الجامع اليوم شادن

1. In the mosque's courtyard walked Shadan today
Bending are the boughs of narcissus on his stature

١. تَمَشَّى بِصَحْنِ الجَامعِ اليَوْمَ شادِنٌ
عَلى قَدِّهِ أَغْصَانُ بانِ النَّقا تُثْني

2. I said, as sweetness shone on him,
"Look at this sweet one in the courtyard!"

٢. فَقُلْتُ وَقد لاحتْ عليهِ حَلاوةٌ
أَلا فانْظُروا هَذي الحَلاوَةُ في الصَّحْنِ