
His ailments grew with what his ribs bend over,

نمت بما تحنو عليه ضلوعه

1. His ailments grew with what his ribs bend over,
His sorrows and his tears and his grievances.

١. نَمَّتْ بِمَا تَحْنُو عَلَيْهِ ضُلُوعُهُ
أَسْقامُهُ وَشُجونُه وَدُمُوعُهُ

2. His glances brought to his beloved sorrow
And intimacy that with some of it melts his whole being.

٢. جَلَبَتْ نَواظِرهُ لِمُهْجَتِهِ أَسىً
وَجَوىً يَذُوبُ بِبَعْضِهِ مَجْموعُهُ

3. Tempted by the softness of the cheeks, though indeed
In his love, the lover was deprived of his fervor.

٣. مُغْرىً بِوَسْنَانِ اللِّحَاظِ وَإِنَّما
في حُبِّهِ هَجَرَ المُحِبَّ هُجُوعُهُ

4. He showed his smile and let down his hair,
And the moon looks beautiful rising in the darkness.

٤. أَبْدَى مُحَيَّاهُ وَأَسْبَلَ شَعْرَهُ
وَالبَدْرُ يَحْسُنُ في الظَّلامِ طُلُوعُهُ

5. For the eye he has glory and in it a flashing,
This and that pleases him and makes him shudder.

٥. لِلطَّرْفِ فيهِ سَناً وَفيهِ بَارِقٌ
هَذا وذَاكَ يَرُوقُهُ وَيَروعُهُ

6. The minutes of his temple crept on his cheek,
So he became while my heart in love is burnt.

٦. دَبَّتْ عَقارِبُ صُدْغِه في خَدِّهِ
فَغَدا وقَلْبِي في الهَوَى مَلْسُوعُهُ

7. O source of long estrangement, beguile me,
Indeed, a sincere promise quickly fulfills.

٧. يا وَافِرَ الهَجْرِ الطَّويلِ تَولُّهي
خَبَبٌ أَلا وَعْدٌ يَجُودُ سَرِيعُهُ

8. Awaken your drowsy eyelids
To see a lover melted in you entirely.

٨. نَبِّه جُفُونَكَ مِنْ نُعَاسِ فُتُورِهَا
لِتَرى مُحبّاً ذابَ فِيكَ جَمِيعُهُ

9. My eye, you are not accused of
My secret, so how to the slanderers spread it?

٩. ما أَنْتَ يا طَرْفي بِمُتَّهَمٍ عَلى
سِرِّي فَكَيْفَ إِلى الوُشَاةِ تُذيعُهُ

10. You burdened me the weight of love and put it
With me, so is its carried its placed?

١٠. حَمَّلتني ثِقْلَ الهَوى وَوَضَعْتَهُ
عِنْدِي فَهَلْ مَحْمُولُهُ مَوْضُوعُهُ

11. Who is for me the one if he was patient with my heart,
I would not in the morning trade it for the world.

١١. مَنْ لي بِمَنْ لَوْ سَام قَلْبِي غَيْرُهُ
ما كُنْتُ بالدُّنْيا الغَداةَ أَبِيعُهُ

12. Leave me as the arrow of the gaze is from it,
For I am torrential as the passion wished subdued.

١٢. دَعْنِي وَسَهْمُ اللَّحْظِ مِنْهُ فَإِننّي
صَبٌّ كَما شاءَ الغَرامُ صَرِيعُهُ