1. No, not the softness of affectionate coats
And a beloved whose beauty the crescent extols
١. لَا وَلينِ المَعاطِفِ المَيَّالَهْ
وَحَبيبٍ حَكَى الهِلالُ جَمالَهْ
2. Revealing a lover's weakness is no disgrace
When glances take aim to slay and assail
٢. لَيْسَ هَتْكُ المُحبِّ في الحُبّ عاراً
حِينَ تَرْنُو اللَّواحِظُ القَتَّالَهْ
3. By my soul, a gazelle submitted to my heart
Yet rebelled when I sought to control and curtail
٣. وَبِرُوحِي ظَبْيٌ أَطَاعَ فُؤَادِي
وَجْدَهُ فِيهِ إِذْ عَصَى عُذَّالَهْ
4. The moon, its defect made it more fair
Thus it remained as a perfect full orb unveiled
٤. قَمَرٌ زادَهُ العِذارُ جَمالاً
فَلِهَذا أَمْسى بِهِ بَدْرَ هَالَهْ
5. An idol, my passion's guide, so clever and bright
Enslaved am I, sense and reason fail
٥. صَنَمٌ ناطِقٌ هُداي غَرامِي
في هَواهُ والعَذْلُ عِنْدِي ظِلالَهْ
6. People worshipped it, sent prophets appeared
From its temples, with a message to hail
٦. عَبَدَ النّاسُ خَالَهُ فأتَتْهُ
أَنْبياءٌ مِنْ صُدْغِه بِرسَالهْ
7. Does it glance, a gazelle in its glances are found
Or show its face, lo a gazelle then unveiled
٧. إنْ رَنَا مِنْهُ طَرْفُه فَغزالٌ
أَوْ بَدا مِنْهُ وَجْهُهُ فَغَزالَهْ
8. It said, as departure drew near and tears flowed
In streams from my eyes, what ails you, what ails?
٨. قَالَ لمَّا دَنَا الرَّحيلُ وَفاضَتْ
مِنْ جُفوني سَوابِقُ الدَّمْعِ مَا لهْ
9. Does it think me unworthy of the sorrow I bear
Or realized the grief that it caused, that prevailed?
٩. أَتُرَاهُ بِمَا أُلاقِيهِ غِرٌّ
أَمْ دَرَى مَا أَجنَّهُ وَتَبالَهُ