
My beloved, is there any messenger for me,

خليلي هل من حلمل لي تحية

1. My beloved, is there any messenger for me,
To convey greetings to a moon whose bright star has earrings?

١. خَلِيليَّ هَلْ مِنْ حَلملٍ لي تَحيَّةً
إِلى قَمرٍ نَجْمُ الثُّرَيّا لَهُ قُرْطُ

2. He came between curled and intertwined branches,
With luxuriant leaves like long flowing hair.

٢. أَتى بَيْنَ حَقْفٍ مَائجٍ وَأَراكَةٍ
مُنعَّمةٍ أَوْراقُهَا الشَّعَرُ السَّبْطُ

3. He revealed upon camphor-white cheeks conversations
From his musk, drops on tender rosebuds.

٣. فَأَبْدَى عَلى كافُورِ خَدٍّ سَوالفاً
عَلى الجُلَّنارِ الغَضِّ مِنْ مِسْكِها نَقْطُ

4. The fire of lips around the garden of a smile,
Their blend is honey, fragrant wine, and pure musk.

٤. وَنارُ شِفَاهٍ حَوْلَ جَنَّةِ مَبْسَمٍ
مِزَاجُهما شَهْدٌ جَنيٌّ وَإِسْفَنطُ

5. If not for the sweet union, I would never violate
The covenants of his love, nor ever forget.

٥. فَلا ولَماهُ العَذْبُ لا كُنْتُ ناقِضاً
عُهُودَ هَواهُ لا ولا ناسِياً قَطُّ