1. Souls have been sacrificed for you, their state altered by you,
And they have become whole in their love for you, healed by it.
١. فَدَتْكَ نُفُوسٌ قَدْ حَلا بِكَ حَالُهَا
وَأَضْحَى صَحِيحاً فِي هَواكَ اعْتِلالُها
2. You have captured the hearts of lovers with a glance
Whose beauty captivates all who look upon it.
٢. مَلكْتَ قُلوبَ العَاشِقينَ بِطَلْعَةٍ
يَرُوقُ جَمِيعَ الناظِرينَ جَمالُهَا
3. With you, beauty itself glows brighter,
As if you were the mole on its cheek.
٣. وَزَادَ بِكَ الحُسْنُ البَديعُ نَضارةً
كأَنَّكَ في وَجْهِ المَلاحَةِ خَالُها
4. You have stolen the heart of the youth with your stature,
Which told of the bending and straightness of a branch.
٤. سَلَبْتَ فُؤادَ الصَّبِّ مِنْكَ بِقَامَةٍ
حَكَى الغُصْن مِنْهَا مَيْلَهَا وَاعْتِدَالَهَا
5. Passionate lover that you burdened with desire for you,
Tormented by passions too much to bear.
٥. فَصِلْ مُغْرَماً حَمَّلْتَهُ مِنْكَ في الهَوَى
بَلابِل وَجْدٍ لا يُطَاقُ احْتِمالُهَا
6. She appeared to me in a vision, crescent moon and starry night,
Bending gently, shying like a gazelle.
٦. عَنَّ لي دُمْيَةً وَلاحَ هِلالا
وَانْثَنَى صُعْدَةً وَفرَّ عَزَالا
7. I became submissive when she showed tenderness,
And saw the cheapness of my tears, so I rebelled.
٧. فَتَذَلَّلتُ حِينَ أَبْدَى دَلالاً
وَرأى رُخْصَ أَدْمُعِي فَتَغَالا
8. O you rich in beauty, I ask your affection,
Far be it from you to spurn my request!
٨. يا غَنِيّاً بِالحُسْنِ أَسأَلكَ الوَصْ
لَ وَحَاشَاكَ أَنْ تَرُدَّ السُّؤالا
9. I have pursued my passion though blamed for it
And disobeyed the critic and the censor.
٩. رَشأٌ قَدْ أَطعْتُ فيهِ غَرامِي
وَعَصَيْتُ اللُّوَّامَ وَالعُذَّالا
10. Her glances have slain me, and she is the healing,
She has drained my strength, and she is the rest.
١٠. قَتلتْنِي جُفونُهُ وَهْيَ مَرضَى
سَلَبَتْنِي قِوايَ وَهيَ كَسالا