
The dove does not moan in the branches,

ما ناح حمام الأيك في الأغصان

1. The dove does not moan in the branches,
Except my longing for you increases,

١. ما نَاحَ حَمامُ الأَيْكِ فِي الأَغْصانِ
إِلَّا وَتَزايَدتْ بِكُمْ أَشْجاني

2. Return, for your abandonment has made me ill,
For separation from you makes me suffer, miserable and distressed.

٢. عُودوا لِمُعَنّىً هَجْركُمْ أَسْقَمَهُ
فالصَّبّ بِكُمْ مُضْنَىً كَئِيبٌ عَانِي