
Like a gazelle with glance and turn

مثل الغزال نظرة ولفتة

1. Like a gazelle with glance and turn
Who sees him coming, won't yearn?

١. مِثْلُ الغَزالِ نَظْرةً وَلفْتَةً
مَنْ رآه مُقْبِلاً ولا افْتَتَنْ

2. Fairest face and mouth God made
If not the handsomest, who swayed?

٢. أَحْسَنُ خَلْقِ اللَّه وَجْهاً وفماً
إنْ لَمْ يَكُنْ أَحقَّ بالحُسْنِ فَمَنْ

3. In his body, cheek, and form
The water, greenery, the visage warm

٣. في جِسْمِه وَصُدْغِه وشَكْلِهِ
الماءُ والخُضْرَةُ والوَجْهُ الحَسَنْ