
Since the rose was fenced off from him by grief

مذ سيج الورد منه آس

1. Since the rose was fenced off from him by grief
My heart took wing towards it and made its nest there.

١. مُذْ سَيَّجَ الوَرْدَ مِنْهُ آسٌ
طَارَ فُؤَادِي لَهُ وَعَشَّشْ

2. But the down on his cheek waylaid it
With a beauty-spot, when it was off guard.

٢. فَصادَهُ فُخُّ عَارِضَيهِ
بِحَبَّةِ الخالِ حِينَ أَدْهَشْ

3. The fault is mine through ignorant passion
Because my heart was caught there in its snare.

٣. وَالذَّنْبُ لِي فِي الهَوَى لِجَهْلي
لأَنَّ قَلْبِي بِهِ تَحَرَّشْ