
He arose to walk at night with a cup of wine,

قام يسعى ليلا بكأس الحميا

1. He arose to walk at night with a cup of wine,
Graceful, dark-lipped, and beautiful of countenance.

١. قَامَ يَسْعَى لَيْلاً بِكَأْسِ الحُميَّا
شَادِنٌ أَحْوَر جَميلُ المُحَيَّا

2. The full moon is in his hand, a sun of pleasure,
Speckled with the Pleiades through its bubbles.

٢. بَدْرُ عِزٍّ في كَفِّهِ شَمْسُ رَاحٍ
نُقِّطَتْ مِنْ حَبابِهَا بِالثُّريَّا

3. He has taken possession of the heart with his charm and his glance,
Yet a weak conqueror overcomes a strong one.

٣. مَلَكَ القَلْبَ مِنْهُ ظُرْفٌ وَطَرْفٌ
وَضَعِيفانِ يَغْلِبانِ وقَوِيّا