
They protected the fair-skinned maidens with reddish heels,

حموا بكعوب السمر بيض الكواعب

1. They protected the fair-skinned maidens with reddish heels,
And shielded the radiant pearls from the motes of dust.

١. حَموا بِكُعوبِ السّمْرِ بِيضَ الكَواعِبِ
وَصانُوا من الأَتْرابِ دُرَّ الترائبِ

2. They shook the lofty heights with clenched, forceful hands,
Severing the necks of the eminent with sharp swords.

٢. وَهَزُّوا العَوالي مِنْ أَكفٍّ قَوابِضٍ
رِقابَ المعالي بالسُّيوفِ القَواضِبِ

3. How many eyebrows will meet you without eyes!
How many eyes will meet you without brows!

٣. فكم حَاجبٍ يَلْقَاكَ مِنْ دونِ أَعْيُنٍ
وكَمْ أَعْيُنٍ تَلْقاكَ من دُون حَاجبِ

4. How many young ladies fairer than the rising moons,
And more chaste than setting suns have I herded!

٤. وكَمْ بِتُّ أرعى مِنْ بُدُورٍ طَوالِعٍ
وَأَرْعَى عُهوداً مِنْ شُموسٍ غواربِ

5. And how they marched! By Allah, so many snares
That capture hearts from the eyes of the fair ladies!

٥. وسَاروا فيا للَّه كَمْ مِنْ حَبائلٍ
تَصيدُ قُلُوباً مِنْ عُيونِ الحَبائبِ

6. They revealed the best intimate talk to the cheeks,
And were the worst separation for the lovers.

٦. جَلوْنَ على الأَحْدَاقِ خَيْرَ سَوالفٍ
وكُنَّ على العُشَّاقِ شَرَّ سَوالِبِ

7. With a redness of cheek that is not marred by a freckle,
And wine of a mouth that cannot be resisted by any drinker.

٧. بحمرة خدّ لا تُصابُ بِعارضٍ
وَخَمْرةِ ثَغْر لا تُعافُ لشاربِ

8. Indeed, for love - O most adorable cheeks -
Upon which yearnings cut like a destructive blade.

٨. ألا في سبيلِ الحُبّ يا عَلْوَ مُهْجَةٌ
عليها لكِ الأَشْواقُ ضَرْبَةُ لازبِ

9. Stop! Bid us farewell, for the departure of companions appears,
And the traveling litters summon us to separation.

٩. قِفي ودّعينا قَدْ بَدَتْ غُرْبَةُ النَّوى
وآذننا بِالبَيْنِ سَيْرُ الركائبِ