
O you who sleep unaware of the night's length

يا راقدا لم يدر عمر الدجى

1. O you who sleep unaware of the night's length
You've wandered far; may the wakeful reproach you

١. يا رَاقِداً لَمْ يَدْرِ عُمْرَ الدُّجَى
دَرَى وحَاشَاكَ بِهِ السَّاهِرُ

2. You left, and by God, nothing remains for me
No heart, hearing, or sight

٢. غِبْتَ فَلَا وَاللَّهِ لَمْ يَبْقَ لِي
قَلْبٌ وَلَا سَمْعٌ وَلَا نَاظِرُ

3. O epitome of literature's elegance and subtlety
You are the shining example in me

٣. يا زَهْرَةَ الآدابِ مِنْ لُطْفِهِ
وَجْدِي فيكَ المَثَلُ السَّائِرُ

4. Be kind to a flame within you blazing on
Embers - around it desire flares

٤. رِفْقاً بِعانٍ فِيكَ طَاوٍ على ال
جَمْرِ حَشاً فيها الجَوَى نَاشِرُ

5. Is there an excuser for me, accusing in love?
Or a compeller whose watcher is unjust?

٥. هَلْ عاذِرٌ في الحبِّ لي عَاذٍلٌ
أَو جَابِرٌ ناظِرُهُ الجائِرُ

6. By God, in slaying me unjustly, do you feel
Secured from an avenger rising for me?

٦. اللَّه في قَتْليَ ظُلْماً أَما
آمنْتَ أَن يَظْهَرَ لي ثائِرُ

7. O eyelashes guarding the sanctuary of his cheek
With my love you are the bewitching guard

٧. يا طَرْفَهُ الحامِي حِمَى خَدِّه
بِمُهْجَتِي ذا الحارِسُ الساحِرُ

8. If it's said tomorrow his hair is tousled
In passion for me he is the victor

٨. إِن قِيلَ مَضْفُوراً غَدا شَعْرُه
فَهو بِقَتْلي في الهَوَى ظَافِرُ