1. My eyelids were denied the pleasure of slumber
The noose of death took hold and fate turned cruel
١. مَنَعَتْ جُفُوني لَذَّةَ الإغْفاءِ
عَلقُ المُنَى وَتقسُّمُ الأَهْواءِ
2. Time rushed against me in the bloom of youth
With the dispersal of friends and kin
٢. عَجِلَ الزّمانُ عَليَّ في شَرْخِ الصّبا
بِتَشتُّتِ القُرَناء والقُرَباءِ
3. And the darkness of my life left me no joy
That I could wrest with my blackened hands
٣. وَسوادُ عَيْشِي لَمْ يَدَعْ لي لَذّةً
افْتَضُّها بِاللِّمَّةِ السَّوْداءِ
4. Oh my companion, anguished for the love a youth
Who made suffering his friend and fate his home
٤. يا صَاحِبيَّ تَوجَّعا لِهوىَ فَتىً
ألِفَ الضّنى وَلواعِجَ البُرَحاءِ
5. Will the spring rain ever come to my lands after my tears
Or has the hand of the clouds withheld its gift
٥. هَلْ غِيثَ رَبْعُ الحَيّ بَعْدَ مَدامِعي
أَمْ أَمْسَكَتْ عَنْهُ يَدُ الأَنْواءِ
6. My loved ones, farewell came and I can only caress
With my hands your memory within my chest
٦. أَحْبابَنا قُضِيَ الفِراقُ وَلِي يَدٌ
لِفراقِكُمْ لَكنْ على أَحْشَائِي
7. So command the winds to recount tales of you
For the book cannot express my remedy
٧. فَمرُوا الرِّياحَ بأَنْ تَقُصَّ حَديثكُمْ
عِنْدي فَما يُبْدِي الكتابُ شِفائي
8. The proof is that before reading, my eyes
Wash its inscription away with my weeping
٨. وَدليلُ ذَلكَ أَنَّ طَرْفِي غَاسِلٌ
قَبْلَ القِراءةِ نَقْشَهُ بِبُكائِي