
The army of glory is accompanied by victory

جيش الملاحة مقرون به الظفر

1. The army of glory is accompanied by victory
Thus the eyes and the knights have told us

١. جَيْشُ المَلَاحَةِ مَقْرُونٌ بهِ الظَّفَرُ
كَذاكَ قَالتْ لَنا الأَحْدَاقُ والطُّرَرُ

2. So go, if beauty appears radiant to you
For your tears, if the rain were to ask for them

٢. فَاذْهَبْ إِذَا أَراكَ الحُسْنُ بَارِقَةً
فَإِنَّ دَمْعَكَ إِنْ تَسْتَسقها المَطَرُ

3. And call the gazelle of the sand dunes if it turns away heedlessly
O delight of the eye, if not for tears and vigilance

٣. وَنَادِ ظَبْيَ النَّقَا إِنْ عَنَّ مُلْتَفِتاً
يَا نُزْهَةَ العَيْنِ لَوْلَا الدَّمْعُ والسَّهَرُ

4. I confide to you some of the agony of passion
For me, part of its easiness is extremely difficult

٤. إِنّي أَبُثُّكَ مِنْ شَرْحِ الهَوَى طُرَفاً
فَبَعْضُ أَيْسَره عِنْدِي لَهُ سِيَرُ

5. It is easy for the youth to fall, but his deliverance
Is hard to attain, its journey arduous

٥. سَهْلٌ وُقُوعُ الفَتَى لكِنْ تَخَلُّصُهُ
صَعْبُ المَرامِ بَطِيءٌ سَيْرُهُ عَسِرُ

6. Until, when the one carrying it does not succeed through patience
He seeks solace, though fate may not bless

٦. حَتَّى إِذَا لَمْ يَفُزْ بِالصَّبْرِ حَامِلُهُ
رَامَ السُّلوَّ وَقَدْ لا يُسْعِدُ القَدَرُ

7. If he misses it, he dies of anguish, and if
His hands attain it, its traces remain with him

٧. فإِنْ يَفُتْهُ يَمُتْ وَجْداً وإِنْ ظَفَرَتْ
بِهِ يَداهُ تَبقَّى عِنْدَهُ أَثَرُ

8. Though I discourage people from burdening themselves
I have in passion an affair that has knowledge of it

٨. إِنّي وَإِنْ كُنْتُ أَنْهَى النَّاسَ عَنْ كَلَفٍ
فإِنَّ لِي في الهَوَى شَأْناً لَهُ خَبَرُ

9. I look at the cheeks in their adornment anxious
I blame them, then become shy and apologize

٩. وَنَاظِراً بِتُّ في تَسْهِيدِهِ قَلقاً
أَلُومُهُ ثُمَّ أَسْتَحْيي فَأَعْتَذِرُ

10. O would that there was a place for beauty not worn down
By its customs, watered by the shadows and moonlight

١٠. يا حَبَّذَا مَعْهَدٌ لِلْحُسْنِ ما دَرَسَتْ
رُسُومُهُ وَسَقَاهُ الدِّلُّ والخَفَرُ

11. Beauty is pleasing until hidden dangers are uncovered
In its features, though if it knew of them, it would be wary

١١. يَرُوقُ لِلْحُسْنِ حَتَّى تُجْتَلَى غُرَرٌ
بِسُوقِهِ وهُوَ لَوْ يَدْرِي بِهَا غَرَرُ

12. It has led him to the unrealities of wishes, images
Of its beauty which when adorned with its love are secure

١٢. سَاقَتْهُ نَحْوَ أباطِيلِ المُنَى صُوَرٌ
مِنْ حُسْنِهَا تُلِيَتْ في حُبِّهِ سُوَرُ

13. The eye is not to blame, but rather the heart created
Only to realize what sight shows it

١٣. لاَ ذَنْبَ لِلعَيْنِ بَلْ لِلْقَلْبِ مَا خُلِقَتْ
إلّا لِيُدْرِكَ مَا يُبْدِي لَهُ البَصَرُ

14. So the stature, the neck, the blushed cheek, the
Sides of the mouth, the lips, the eyelids, the eyes

١٤. فَالقَدُّ فَالجِيدُ فالخَدُّ المُوَّردُ فَال
أَصْدَاغُ فالثَّغْرُ فالأَجْفَاُن فَالحَوَرُ

15. Are stages, none of which a passion has moved through
Without pausing in its love and reflection

١٥. مَنازِلٌ ما سَرَتْ في حَيِّها مُهَجٌ
إِلَّا وأَوْقَفَها في حُبِّهِ الفِكَرُ

16. And every heart has fallen in love with it
Yearning, and every tear for its love flows

١٦. وَأَهْيَفَ كُلُّ قَلْبٍ في مَحَبَّتِهِ
عَانٍ وكُلُّ دَمٍ في حُبِّهِ هَدَرُ

17. Since his face disappeared from me I have thought in my vigil
Where al-Kara is, since the sun disappears it is expected

١٧. أَفْكَرْتُ مُذْ غَابَ عَنِّي وَجْهُهُ سَهَرِي
حَيْثُ الكَرَى مُذْ تَغيبُ الشَّمْسُ يُنْتَظَرُ

18. Sahlu al-Arīkah is like the full moon in lifetime
So neither old age nor senility has afflicted it

١٨. سَهْلُ العَرِيكَةِ مِثْلُ البَدْرِ في عُمرٍ
فَمَا أَلمَّ بِهِ كِبْرٌ وَلاَ كِبَرُ

19. If not for the prohibition and the suspecting gazes of critics
The visitation of love would be unceasing for me

١٩. لَوْلَا النُّهَى وظُنون الكاشِحين بِنا
لَكَانَ وِرْدُ الهَوَى مَا عَنْهُ لِي صَدَرُ

20. Glory lies not in black eyes, nor does
Wine lift the veil of prohibition from the face

٢٠. لَيْسَ السِّيَادَةُ في سُودِ العُيونِ وَلَا
بِالخَمْرِ يَرْفَعُ عَنْ وَجْهِ النُّهَى الخُمُرُ

21. O cupbearer, cease it, for without the beloved's
Cheek, the soul and thoughts are revealed

٢١. يَا ساقِي الشَّرْب عطِّلْها فَقَدْ جُلِيَتْ
بِغَيْرِ ذاتِ الحبابِ النَّفْسُ والفِكَرُ

22. And O roe deer of the sanctuary, neither mirage
Nor an echo from the neighbor charms me

٢٢. وَيا ظِباءَ الحِمَى لَا السَّرْبُ يُطْمِعُنِي
مِنْهُ السَّرابُ وَلَا مِنْ جِيرة الحَوَرُ

23. O branches of the sand dunes, he is not
The shade of shade, nor the sweetness of fruit

٢٣. وَيَا غُصُونَ النَّقا لا أَصْلُكُنَّ هُوَ ال
ظِّلُّ الظَّلِيلُ ولا الحُلْوُ الجَنَى الثَّمَرُ

24. And O land of the sanctuary, come closer or farther
If your rain cloud wills, or does not spill its rain

٢٤. وَيا دِيارَ الحِمَى شُطِّي أَوِ اقْتَربي
إنْ شاءَ جَادَكِ أَوْ لا جَادَكِ المَطَرُ

25. I have ambition for the heights, no length of life is long
If my arm falls short of attaining it

٢٥. لِي هِمَّةٌ في العُلى لا طالَ لي عُمْرٌ
إنْ كانَ في سَاعِدي عَنْ نَيْلِها قِصَرُ

26. I have no horses or camels harboring
What white and brown steeds harbor of determination

٢٦. وَلَيْس تَضْمَرُ لِي خَيْلٌ وَلَا إِبِلٌ
ما تُضْمِر المُعْزَماتِ البيضُ والسُّمُرُ

27. They said: Youthfulness will deter him from his claim
You spoke truthfully, but it will not deter me

٢٧. قالوا الشَّبيبةُ عَنْ دَعْواهُ تَزْجُرُهُ
لَقَدْ صَدقْتُمْ وَلكِنْ لَيْس يَزْدَجِرُ

28. For he in whom determination has always been greatness
Is not harmed if his age be small

٢٨. إِنَّ الّذي لَمْ يَزلْ في عَزْمِهِ كِبَرٌ
ما ضَرَّهُ إِنْ يَكُنْ في سنِّهِ صِغَرُ

29. Through the Prince, may God perpetuate his glory, I have
Honor enabling me, through which I gain power

٢٩. لِي بالأَميرِ أَدامَ اللَّهُ رِفْعَتَهُ
عِزٌّ مُنيفٌ بِهِ أَسْطُو وأَقْتَدِرُ

30. You are the son of nobility, but you were recognized thus disguise not
The turban however the moon may be unknown

٣٠. وَإِنَّكَ ابْنُ جَلا لكنْ عُرِفْتَ فَلَا
تُلْقِ العَمَامَة أَنَّى يُجْهَلُ القَمَرُ