
We shed our tears in mourning for the fortieth day

بذلنا لذكرى الأربعين دموعنا

1. We shed our tears in mourning for the fortieth day
If crying could benefit, we would have cried blood

١. بذلنا لذكرى الأربعين دموعنا
ولو نفع المبكى بكينا لها دما

2. I had hoped this year's season a meeting place
For my family, but the meeting place became a funeral

٢. وقد كنت أرجو موسم العام ملتقىً
لأهلي فكان الملتقى فيه مأتما

3. Oh how I wish we were scattered factions on earth
And that you were the one alive and well among them

٣. فيا ليتنا في الأرض أشتات فرقة
وليتك كنت الحي فيها المنعَّما

4. An uncle who lived between his brother's sons
Kinder to them than their parents and more merciful

٤. أمثليَ عمٌّ عاش بين بني أخٍ
أبرُّ بهم من والديهم وأرحما

5. I alone took care of those I adopted from them
So I was the highest father and I was the teacher

٥. تعهدت وحدي من تبنَّيت منهمُ
فكنت الأب الأعلى وكنت المعلما

6. No mother's sadness over a son, no father's
Is greater than my sadness over you or more intense

٦. وما الحزن من أمٍّ على ابنٍ ومن أب
بأكبر من حزني عليك وأعظما

7. Oh how I wish the one who took you in the prime of youth
Had taken your aged, crumbling uncle instead

٧. فليت الذي أرداك في نضرة الصبا
طوى عمك الكهل الكبير المهدما

8. Thirty years or thirty hours
That took the destined share from the lifespan

٨. ثلاثين عاماً أم ثلاثين ساعة
أخذت من العمر النصيب المحتما

9. The brother moved away from his brothers and did not return
I never got used to him being away from them for two days

٩. نأى عن شقيقيه الشقيق ولم يعد
وما اعتدت منه نأي يومين عنهما

10. It hurts me today that you are gone
And that you did not come to bid me farewell

١٠. يعز عليَّ اليوم أنك خارج
وأنك لم تدخل عليَّ مسلِّما

11. Your life among us, its events rushed it away
No life was more precious or honorable

١١. حياتك فينا استعجلتها حداتها
وماكان أغلاها حياة وأكرما

12. And had it not been for my complaints of hearing and seeing
And my unease with them, I would not have stopped speaking

١٢. ولولا شكاتي من سماع ورؤية
وضيقي بها حرمت أن أتكلما

13. He who was hoping for health and safety
I fear I will be well and unharmed

١٣. ومن كان يرجو صحة وسلامة
فإنّيَ أخشى أن أصح وأسلما

14. If sorrows wanted to leave me, I sought them
It is as if I have become infatuated with sorrows

١٤. وإن شاءت الأحزان تركي طلبتها
كأنيَ بالأحزان أصبحت مغرما

15. If I had a choice, I would be, for your lifetime
Adding to my lifetime that complements it

١٥. ولو كنت مختاراً لكنت لدى المدى
لعمرك من عمري المطيلَ المتمما

16. I do not ask about war or peace
Or where the people are after you among them

١٦. وما أنا عن حرب وسلم بسائل
ولا عن مكان القوم بعدك منهما

17. It is no use to me, after those I have lost
Of family, if the king gave me spoils

١٧. وما نافعي بعد الذي أنا فاقد
من الأهل أن ألقى لي الملك مغنما