
The fertile valley ignored me and its people

تجاهلني الوادي الخصيب وأهله

1. The fertile valley ignored me and its people
And in every one of its ravines there is a ruin of mine

١. تجاهلني الوادي الخصيب وأهله
وفي كل فج منه مأثرةٌ مني

2. And my excuse to it is in my silence, my ailment
And what is the excuse of my people in their silence about me

٢. وعذري إليه في سكوتيَ علتي
وما عذر قومي في سكوتهم عني

3. And there remained for me no comforter of intimacy
And I am from nerves in the loneliness of Jinn

٣. ولم يبق لي في عشرة الأنس مؤنس
وإني من الأعصاب في وحشة الجن

4. And I have nothing but the loss of the covenant with them
And this is what wears me out and this is what saddens me

٤. وما بي إلا ضيعة العهد عندهم
وهذا هو المبلي وهذا هو المضني

5. And if they asked about me, their deed would have been
And it would have been the healer and it would have been the consoler

٥. ولو سألوا عني لكان صنيعهم
وكان هو الشافي وكان هو المغني