
Return to the President's council and his shade

عودوا إلى حوض الرئيس وظله

1. Return to the President's council and his shade
Confident in his opinion and his ways

١. عودوا إلى حوض الرئيس وظلِّهِ
مستوثقين برأيه وبسبْلِهِ

2. And take wisdom from him, for nearly
Did the riders go astray behind his misguidance

٢. وتزودوا منه هدايتكم فقد
كاد الركاب يضل خلف مضله

3. Surely he who suffered after him
Suffered the like before him

٣. إن الذي قاسيتمُ من بعده
قاسى سواكم مثله من قبله

4. O absent ones, and loneliness in consciences
From one who abandoned him and bitterness from one who blamed him

٤. يا غائبين وفي الضمائر وحشة
من هجره وغضاضة من عذله

5. You angered him against you, and your criticism
More deserving of his anger and grievous his burden

٥. أغضبتموه عليكم وعداتكم
أولى بغضبته وفادح حمله

6. And you busied with reproach from him a side
And the disputation of your opponent more deserving of busyness

٦. وشغلتمُ بالعتب منه جانباً
وجدال خصمكمُ أحق بشغله

7. Which of them frees the prisoners of their shackles
A hero, and among them one who cares to kill him

٧. أيهم بالأسرى يفك قيودهم
بطل وفيهم من يهم بقتله

8. Surely he who bears harm from his opponent
More deserving to bear harm from his own family

٨. إن الذي حمل الأذى من خصمه
أولى به حمل الأذى من أهله

9. The people are ignorant of the feud's end
And the people fear that they may die in their ignorance

٩. الشعب يجهل للنزاع نهاية
والشعب يخشى أن يموت بجهله

10. This is hardest on defenders and greater than
The tyranny of its protector and its occupier

١٠. هذا أشق على الحمى وأشد من
جبروت حاميه ومن محتلِّه

11. I sympathize about you and for you
And tell the complaint of the loving protector

١١. إني لأشفق منكمُ وعليكمُ
وأبث شكوى الواجد المتولِّه

12. And forbidden to the hospitable their guest
To honor him, and they are guests of his disgracer

١٢. ومحرمين على الأبيِّ لضيفه
إعزازه وهمُ ضيوفُ مُذِلِّه

13. If the people's excuse was messengers from you
Then today's arrivals are his best messengers

١٣. إن كان عذر القوم رسل منكمُ
فالوافدون اليوم أفضل رسله

14. Does the victor enflame his defeated
With more fury? And refuse his excuse in his rage

١٤. أيؤجج الغلاب في مغلوبه
غلّاً ويأبى عذره في غله

15. And the owner of terrible might leads, and fears
The scream of the pained because of him

١٥. ويسوق ذو البطش الأخيذ ويتقي
بالسيف صيحة موجع من أجله

16. Judgment day is near, and where is what you prepared
For your enemy, his disorder and his request?

١٦. قرب المعاد وأين ما أعددتمُ
لغريمكم ولختله ولمطله

17. Will he repeat his game while you have fear
Of his might and longing for his guidance?

١٧. أيعيد كرته وفيكم خشية
من بأسه وتلهُّفٌ من دلِّه

18. You have been tested by the leap of his lion
Do you feel safe today from the breath of his prayers?

١٨. وقد ابتليتم أمس وثبة ليثِهِ
هل تأمنون اليوم نفثةَ صلِّه

19. And we read in the storms of his newspapers
What we do not delight to mention and convey

١٩. ولقد قرأنا في عواصف صحفه
ما لا نسر بذكره وبنقله

20. And after the meeting, your silence disturbed us
And he is proud of his words and his actions

٢٠. وأرابنا بعد اللقاء سكوتُكم
وهو الفخور بقوله وبفعله

21. How safety from him when he is stationed
Around the country, with his horses and his men?

٢١. كيف السلامة منه وهو مرابط
حول البلاد بخيله وبرجله

22. And who is able to distribute its shares of water
When he surrounds its branches and its roots?

٢٢. ومن الكفيل بقسطها من نيلها
وهو المحيط بفرعه وبأصله

23. Shall I walk slowly from the passage of time and its flow
To the barrenness of space and its places?

٢٣. أنسير من رق الزمان وأسره
شيعاً إلى جدب المكان ومحله

24. Not equal is the strong in his fire and iron
To the strong in his heart and mind

٢٤. ليس القوي بناره وحديده
مثل القوي بقلبه وبعقله

25. And mistaken is he who claims his independence
If he does not find a means to it, whole

٢٥. ومغالط من يدعي استقلالَهُ
إن لم يجد سبباً إليه كله

26. And if the clear truth comes volunteering
And generously, then treat it as you would the little

٢٦. وإذا أتى الحق الصريح تبرُّعاً
وتفضلاً فأجله كأقله

27. Greater than all your resources was national unity
And your elected representative gathering your nation

٢٧. قد كان شمل الشعب أكبر عُدَّة
ووكيله المختار جامع شمله

28. Return to him, for every condition is void
If he does not examine it and does not dictate it

٢٨. عودوا إليه فكل شرط باطل
إن لم يمحصه وإن لم يُمْلِه

29. I know, and examples abound
Of the difference between their register and his register

٢٩. إني لأدري والتجارب جمة
بالفرق بين سجلِّهم وسجلِّه

30. More deserving of them is he of firmness, and he
Is the punishment of the arrogant pretender

٣٠. أولى بهم ذاك المراس وإنه
لعقوبة المتجبر المتألِّه

31. And for every rebel is an aspect of his wisdom
And for every freeman an aspect of his excellence

٣١. ولكل عاتٍ جانبٌ من حزمه
ولكل حرٍّ جانب من فضله

32. O Saad, declare my satisfaction with the truth of what
I recite, and which mujahid did you not raise?

٣٢. يا سعد أعلاني رضاك بصدق ما
أتلو وأي مجاهد لم تُعْلِه

33. I reward you for my country and people the best reward
You give, and I present what you have made alike

٣٣. أجزيك عن وطني وقومي خير ما
تجزي وألقَى ما صنعتَ بمثله

34. It is the loyal's trait to keep his oath and be
Content in his certainty and reassured by his justice

٣٤. شيم الوفي بعهده والمكتفي
بيقينه والمطمئن بعدله