
O people of Egypt, beware

يا آل مصر حذارِ أن

1. O people of Egypt, beware
Lest the Balkans take Egypt

١. يا آل مصر حذارِ أن
يتناول البلقانُ مصرا

2. I fear the fire from afar after its flash
That it may continue between the peoples as enmity

٢. إني أخاف النار بع
د وميضها أن تستمرا

3. That refuses to settle
Today's friend from yesterday's fiercest enemy

٣. بين الشعوب عداوة
تأبى لها أن تستقرا

4. Who is accustomed to doing ill when at ease and causing harm
Indeed for both the present state I fear for the trusted country

٤. هذا صديق اليوم من
ذاك العدو أشد شرا

5. For if the people do not take their share, they take it by force
In great Cyprus, ask her for she knows more

٥. فلقد تعوَّد أن يسو
ء بما يسر وأن يضرا

6. And aggressors against peaceful valleys leapt in tens
Has the day of the East come that enemies divide it and no escape?

٦. إني على الحالين لل
بلد الأمين أخاف أمرا

7. Harm has overcome, if only I could make the belly of the earth a back
For me to the heavenly spheres, what is the cause of my staff that I live free?

٧. فالقوم إن لم يأخذو
ه نصيبهم أخذوه أجرا