
Honor excellence in its spacious abode

كرموا الفضل في رحيب مكانه

1. Honor excellence in its spacious abode
And revere it in its fertile time

١. كرِّموا الفضل في رحيب مكانِهْ
وأجلُّوه في خصيب زمانِهْ

2. And remember the man of generosity among us
Whose hands were inspired and whose heart was enlightened

٢. واذكروا صاحب السماحة فينا
من يديه والوحي من وجدانه

3. The poet of the state, zealous for the state
In private and in public

٣. شاعر الدولة الحريص على الدو
لة في سرّه وفي إعلانه

4. And remember his justice and kindness
In the authority he approved and in his sultanate

٤. واذكروا عدله وإحسانه في
مرتضى حكمه وفي سلطانه

5. And good qualities pleasing to the perfect master
In his house and in his office

٥. والسجايا الحسان للسيد الكا
مل في بيته وفي ديوانه

6. And the loyalty of companionship that lost companionship
So the generous one was in his sorrows

٦. ووفاء الإلف الذي فقد الإل
فَ فكان الكريم في أحزانه

7. With eyelids that concealed their weeping
And a heart that held its pain

٧. وطوى الخافقين يسأل عنها
وهي في قلبه وفي أجفانه

8. He almost abandoned the world from intense grief
Were it not for the solace of his faith

٨. كاد من شدة الأسى يهجر العا
لم لولا العزاء في إيمانه

9. It was as if the grief in every soul
Came from his own sorrow and anguish

٩. وكأن الأشجان في كل نفس
هي من شجوه ومن أشجانه

10. His patience with misfortunes did not waver
Due to his affection and tenderness for them

١٠. لم يضع صبرُهُ على الخطب فيها
ما لها من حنوّه وحنانه

11. Honor the family that bore him
With knowledge in his majesty and eloquence

١١. أكبروا الأسرة التي أنجبته
علماً في جلاله وبيانه

12. And what he attained from the righteous king
Is the reward of beneficence from His approval

١٢. والذي ناله من الملك الصا
لحِ أجر الصنيع من رضوانه

13. The title he deserved through his knowledge
Protected by zeal and commitment

١٣. لقب الرتبة التي هي حق ال
علم في ذمة الحمى وضمانه

14. Poetry was ennobled under his protection
With poets ranked among the elite

١٤. شرف الشعر في الحمى أن يكون ال
شعراء السراة من أعيانه

15. The glory of genius is to find
A peer like the precious one among his comrades

١٥. وسمو النبوغ أن يجد النا
بغ مثل العزيز من أقرانه

16. When a king rules the land
Poetry becomes one of his pillars

١٦. وإذا ما تمكن الملك في الأر
ض لقوم فالشعر من أركانه

17. It has the king's esteem like rubies
And sapphires in the crown's heights

١٧. وهو للملك في مكان اللآلي
واليواقيت من عُلا تيجانه

18. The greatest conquerors who opened lands
Did so with their minds and tongues

١٨. وأجل الغزاة من فتح الأم
صار منهم بعقله ولسانه

19. O companions of the precious one in his conduct
And comrades of the precious one in his domain

١٩. يا صحاب العزيز في سيرتيه
ورفاق العزيز في ميدانه

20. My kinship to the minister brought you together
In well-known harmony built from its foundation

٢٠. جمعتكم قربى الوزير إليه
في الرواء المشهود من بنيانه

21. And you came to him, faithful to the covenants
At his feast and ceremony

٢١. والتقيتم له وفيّين بالعه
دين في عيده وفي مهرجانه

22. From your gardens he came to take
As you take from his garden

٢٢. من بساتينكم أتى يأخذ اليو
م كما تأخذون من بستانه

23. You have from his words what you desired
And whatever you desired of his companions

٢٣. فلكم من حديثه ما اشتهيتم
ولكم ما اشتهيتمُ من خُوانه

24. You have an eloquent Qays and Bu Naym
The innovations of his creation and fascination

٢٤. ولكم من صديق قيس ولبنى
محكمات ابتداعه وافتنانه

25. He sent the lovers after ruin
Among the legends of his art and reality

٢٥. بعث العاشقين بعد البلى بي
ن أساطير فنِّه وعيانه

26. And restored the life of Abbasa
Between his thought and composition

٢٦. وأعادت حياة عباسة قد
رته بين فكره وبنانه

27. A masterpiece of eternal splendor
From his manuscripts and melodies

٢٧. تحفة في محاسن الخلد جاءت
من مقاصيره وفي ألحانه

28. Like the memory that revived the dead
In new garb from their shroud

٢٨. رب ذكرى أعادت الميت حياً
في جديد الثياب من أكفانه

29. O beloved of the valley, your time is now
In the valley's peace and tranquility

٢٩. يا عزيز الوادي زمانك هذا
في سلام الوادي وفي اطمئنانه

30. Today it found its people, and in you
The cultured stranger met his homeland

٣٠. وجد اليوم أهله والتقى في
ك الأديب الغريب في أوطانه

31. And rose among the stars after obscurity
Unknown in his knowledge

٣١. واستوى في النجوم من بعد ما كا
ن الخفي المجهول في عرفانه

32. You are the poet of the age, it acknowledges
From its elders and youth

٣٢. شاعر العصر أنت وهو اعتراف
لك من شيبه ومن شبانه

33. And I am the loyal one who does all he can
To please you, within his capacity

٣٣. وأنا المخلص الذي كلُّ ما ير
ضيك في وسعه وفي إمكانه