
My allegiance as I have sincerely given it to you is always

ولائي كما أخلصته لك دائم

1. My allegiance as I have sincerely given it to you is always
And your rule with benevolence and justice is always

١. ولائي كما أخلصتُه لك دائمُ
وحكمك بالإحسان والعدل دائمُ

2. And my love for you is the love of Egypt and its people
And it is nothing but duty and duty is binding

٢. وحبك عندي حب مصر وأهلها
وما هو إلا الفرضُ والفرضُ لازم

3. And your acclaimed honor is the honor of a nation
For you its occasions and seasons have gathered

٣. وتكريمك المشهود تكريم أمة
لك اجتمعت أعيادها والمواسم

4. And which party or club that celebrates you
Except the party is a state and capitals

٤. وما الحزب والنادي الذي فيه يحْتفي
بك الحزب إلا دولة وعواصم

5. And an increase for the free spirited in their struggle
And for the righteous companions these feasts

٥. وزاد لأحرار الحمى في جهادهم
وللصحُبِ الأبرار هذي الولائم

6. Of the eternal Kawthar what you are drinking
And from these morals the one scattering his greetings to you as fragrance and the one composing poems gifts you

٦. من الكوثر الخلدي ما أنت شارب
هنا ومن الفردوس ما أنت طاعم

7. You have reached the hoped extent in the kingdom faultlessly
And you are to the Lord of the kingdom and the kingdom is your servant

٧. ومن هذه الأخلاق يهديك ناثر
تحيتَه عطراً ويهديك ناظم

8. You have done your duty to the state
Its pillars have risen and the pillars are firm

٨. بلغت المدى المأمول في الملك سؤدداً
وأنت لرب الملك والملك خادم

9. You have been humble in it abstaining and it is the watering place
Except you no one else is regretful for what has passed him by of it

٩. قضيت به حقاً عليك لدولة
علت واستوت أركانها والدعائم

10. If the parties are diverse then consider them
And consider from them the suitable harmonious one

١٠. تواضعت فيه زاهداً وهو مأرب
سواك على ما فاته منه نادم

11. And God has brought the hearts together so you do not find
A way to those wary hearts

١١. إذا كانت الأحزاب شتى فحسبها
وحسبك منها المستعد الملائم

12. When the ideal example saw his equal from his time
Following him the greatest things became insignificant to him

١٢. وقد جمع اللّه القلوب فلم تجد
سبيلاً إلى تلك القلوب التمائم

13. And enough for the one who estranged you yesterday that he
Over what he incurred of your reproach is safe

١٣. إذا المثل الأعلى رأى من زمانه
له تبعاً هانت عليه العظائم

14. And whoever did not find refuge for himself and his time
Except you, you lured him with virtues

١٤. وحسب الذي جافاك بالأمس أنه
على ما تجنّى من عتابك سالم

15. And the one whom you brought near willingly
Is not like the one whom you brought near forcibly

١٥. ومن لم يجد من نفسه وزمانه
مآباً إليك استدرجته المكارم

16. And the contentious enemy in poverty is most generous
In the eyes of the free over an enemy who has passed by insulting

١٦. وليس الذي قربته وهو طائعٌ
كمثل الذي قربته وهو راغم

17. You are not exulting over whom you have supported
Nor gloating over whom you have defeated

١٧. وأكرم في الشحناء خصمٌ مدججٌ
لدى الحر من خصم مضى وهو شاتم

18. Diverse battles you still fight
And in them there are no spoils except the hearts

١٨. وما أنت تياه على من نصرته
ولا متشفٍّ بالذي أنت هازم

19. And the inescapable destiny in what you possess
Of an incident except the powers and determinations

١٩. معارك شتى لا تزال تخوضها
وليس بها غير القلوب غنائم

20. You have had mercy on the unyielding Palestine its protector
So the whole East became whom you have shown mercy

٢٠. وما القدر المحتوم فيما ملكته
لواقعة إلا القوى والعزائم

21. And you saved it from its invaders destroying it
And its children those spears and swords

٢١. رحمت فلسطين الأباة حماتُها
فكان جميع الشرق من أنت راحم

22. And if the fates did not intercede for them through you
Its ruins and relics would have been obscured

٢٢. وأدركتها من أن تبيد غزاتَها
وأبناءها تلك القنا والصوارم

23. Every empowered king spoke with steel
So every burning conscience from it is burning

٢٣. ولو لم تشفعك المقادير فيهمُ
بهم خفيتْ أطلالها والمعالم

24. And in every stronghold there is an inspirer from it
And in every sea there is a ship from it sailing

٢٤. تكلَّم بالفولاذ كل مملَّكٍ
فكل ضمير فاحم منه جاحم

25. And for the sinking beneath the worlds and above them
Earthquakes from their hands and catapults

٢٥. وفي كل بر معقل منه سائر
وفي كل بحر معقل منه عائم

26. A doomsday of the world except that its torment
The innocent and sinner meet it on earth

٢٦. وللخسف تحت العالمين وفوقهم
زلازل من أيديهمُ ورواجم

27. Kingdoms in the world you had them destroyed
And you are the reconciler between them and peaceful

٢٧. قيامة دنيا غير أن عذابها
على الأرض يلقاه بريءٌ وآثم

28. And each group is watching in its place
So neither is evil neglected nor getting worse

٢٨. ممالك في الدنيا لديك تهالكتْ
وأنت الموالي بينها والمسالم

29. And the threats of the vociferous are not significant
And after sayings no action is decisive

٢٩. وكل فريق راصد في مكانه
فلا الشر متروك ولا متفاقم

30. When the cheerful optimistic one calls
The sullen agitated pessimist answers

٣٠. وليس وعيد الصاخبين بمنته
ولا عمل بعد الأقاويل حاسم

31. And no power of an oppressive tyrant lasts
His means are his sins and crimes

٣١. إذا ما دعا مستبشر متفائل
أجاب العبوس المرجف المتشائم

32. And no people in the age of minds are led to demise
As prey is flung at them

٣٢. وما عز سلطان لعات مسلطٍ
وسائله آثامه والجرائم

33. And you even if you empowered your bastion careful
Of people that the people will not ravage the people suddenly

٣٣. ولا شعب في عصر العقول إلى الردى
يساق كما ترمَى إليه السوائم

34. When your state rises in the land the demolished
Upon it and the destroyer are equal

٣٤. وأنت وإن مكنت حصنك مشفق
على الخلق من أن يدهم الخلق داهم

35. Whether from the East or the West a transgressor comes
And cordial affection has presented itself adjoining

٣٥. إذا ما علت في الأرض دولتك استوى
هنالك مهدوم عليها وهادم

36. And came to you with friendliness so you returned his greeting
An answer from you the conquering armies

٣٦. من الشرق يأتي أم من الغرب عابث
وقد عرض الود العتيد المتاخم

37. They returned to the one who was deranged by the unknown his sanity
And interpreted the dream for the one who is dreaming

٣٧. وجاك بالزلفى فردتْ سلامه
جواباً له منك الجيوش الخضارم

38. And it was that which he encountered while defending
A warner of what he will encounter and he is attacking

٣٨. أعادت إلى من جُنَّ بالغيب عقله
وفسرت الرؤيا لمن هو حالم

39. And the desirer of war among the people in its name
Returned an adversary negotiating sometimes and bargaining

٣٩. وكان الذي لاقاه وهو مدافع
نذيراً بما يلقاه وهو مهاجم

40. Insisting on it for a while so when it presented itself to him
His screams calmed so he is abstaining

٤٠. وعاد مريد الحرب في الخلق باسمها
غريماً يقاضي تارة ويساوم

41. And came with the covenant of alliance arguing
In his pact with whom you are arguing

٤١. ألح بها حيناً فلما تمثلت
له سكنت صيحاته فهو واجم

42. And started calling the Turks in Egypt after
A time had passed and he was blaming the Turks

٤٢. وأقبل بالعهد الحليف رعاية
يخاصم في ميثاقه من تخاصم

43. And he used to fear their army while lying in wait
So he started hoping for their army and it is coming

٤٣. وأصبح يدعو الترك في مصر بعد ما
تقضَّى زمانٌ وهو في الترك لائم

44. Taking refuge in them as companions for Egypt while behind them
Bedouins confusing it and non-Arabs

٤٤. وقد كان يخشى جيشهم وهو راصدٌ
فأصبح يرجو جيشهم وهو قادم

45. You did not bring him near out of affinity and them
But it is his needs and he is in debt

٤٥. يلوذ بهم صحباً لمصر وخلفهم
أعاريب يسترعونها وأعاجم

46. And those are not books between Egypt and them
But they are those fickle hearts

٤٦. وما قربته منك قربى ومنهمُ
ولكنها حاجاته وهو غارم

47. The two sides compete in you politically
So each tribe from them is infatuated with you

٤٧. وما تلك كتب بين مصر وبينهم
ولكنها تلك القلوب الحوائم

48. You have chosen proud of your position between them
So you are neither wronged nor wronging

٤٨. تنافس فيك الجانبان سياسة
فكل قبيل منهما بك هائم

49. That is how might determines and might is filling
Your hands and opinion passes and opinion is decisive

٤٩. تخيرت معتزاً مكانك منهما
فلا أنت مظلوم ولا أنت ظالم

50. The crowding of the life of the worlds and it has
No alternative to the tremendous apparatus strengthening the competitors

٥٠. كذلك يقضي البأس والبأس مالئٌ
يديك ويمضي الرأي والرأي حازم

51. And in it the few and powerless are not equal
Nor are its hawks and doves equal

٥١. زحام حياة العالمين وما لها
بغير العتاد الضخم يقوى المزاحم

52. And there is no good in a kingdom if it does not have for it
Troops from its sons and sturdy pillars

٥٢. ولا يستوي فيها كميٌّ وأعزل
ولا تستوي عقبانها والحمائم

53. You have concluded the jihad of the worlds yet
For the great openings the seals

٥٣. ولا خير في ملك إذا لم يكن له
ضراغم من أبنائه وقشاعم

54. You count them completing what you want
And for them in it you are leader and ruler

٥٤. ختمت جهاد العالمين وإنما
لعود الفتوحات الكبار الخواتم

55. And whoever verified his words so his actions
Are narrators to the world for him and biographies

٥٥. تعدُّهُمُ مستكملاً ما تريده
وأنت لهم فيه زعيم وحاكم

56. And it suffices me that I am witness to what you have done
For Egypt and that I am knowledgeable of the outcomes

٥٦. ومن صدقت أقواله ففعاله
رواة إلى الدنيا له وتراجم