
The fever-stricken, yet the people in you, or is it the war,

مصاب الحمى والشعب فيك أم الحرب

1. The fever-stricken, yet the people in you, or is it the war,
Suffers from fever, in it the calamities and the people,

١. مصاب الحمى والشعب فيك أم الحربُ
يعاني الحمى فيها الشدائدَ والشعبُ

2. And it is not the terror of the enemy's fire and steel,
But it is from the awfulness of how the war separated you.

٢. وما الرعب من نار العدى وحديدهم
ولكنه من هول فرقتك الحرب

3. I received the news of recovery comfortingly,
I had barely touched until the difficult news came.

٣. تلقَّيتُ أنباء الشفاء مريحة
فلم أمس حتى جاء في الخبر الصعب

4. So I wailed and the birds wailed around me and stirred in me
My place, and the water raged and the grass caught fire.

٤. فنحت وناح الطير حولي وماج بي
مكاني وغاض الماء والتهب العشب

5. And I believe your weeping in afflictions more than one who wept
Over a towering falling and a clinging fading away.

٥. وأصدق باك في النوائب من بكى
على شامخ يهوي ومؤتلق يخبو

6. I sought seriously the bounding and leaping an utmost goal,
But when the matter ended the bounding and leaping became equal.

٦. طلبت بجد الربض والوثب غاية
فلما انقضى الأمر استوى الربض والوثب

7. And your side competed with your occupation and care,
So this one has a side and that one has a side.

٧. ونازعك الجنبين شغلك والضنى
فهذا له جنب وهذا له جنب

8. And I suffered the effort of pushing and pulling between them,
You did not rest until the pushing and the pulling ended.

٨. وقاسيت جهد الدفع والجذب فيهما
فلم تسترح حتى انقضى الدفع والجذب

9. You went as a martyr of the malady after long
Wars without stabbing or striking in them.

٩. ذهبت شهيد الداء بعد معارك
طوالٍ وما فيها طعانٌ ولا ضرب

10. And how much did those wings carry agony,
While you are behind your infatuated people.

١٠. وكم حملت تلك الجوانح لوعةً
وأنت بعقبى قومك المغرم الصب

11. And how can medicine cure an ailment in people
When it failed them in treating your ailment, medicine.

١١. وكيف يصيب الطب في الناس علة
وقد خانهم في دفع علتك الطب

12. Empty of you is the house of glory, the Nile and dew,
And the caller to loftiness - did the East and West empty?

١٢. خلا منك بيت المجد والنيل والندى
ونادي المعالي أم خلا الشرق والغرب

13. And a burial enclosed you in the earth’s dreary soil,
And how narrow the ample world became for your hopes!

١٣. وضمك داج في ثرى الأرض موحش
وكم ضاق عن آمالك العالم الرحب

14. I - my guidance’s abode is my qiblah even before it
Near, but can nearness benefit the silent?

١٤. وإنيَ من مثوى الهدى وهو قبلتي
قريب وهل يغني من الصامت القرب

15. I circumambulate it comforted by its fragrance,
I greeted it from its early clouds.

١٥. أطوف به مستروحاً من عبيره
وقد صبَّحته من بواكرها السحب

16. Duties of one whom the servants were pleased with his deeds,
And the Lord honored his status in the life.

١٦. فرائض من أرضَى العباد صنيعه
وكرَّم في الدنيا مكانتَه الرب

17. If the generous one’s body were like his mention,
Dust would not have taken your pure body.

١٧. ولو كان جثمان الكريم كذكره
لما نال من جثمانك الطاهر الترب

18. I yearn for the past and it will not return,
And it has marched with me to what the company warned against.

١٨. أحنُّ إلى الماضي وما هو راجع
وقد سار بي فيما أحاذره الركب

19. It is as if I - reprimanding the dissenters - am passed by
An irredeemable caravan that leaves me caravan.

١٩. كأنّيَ حادي الظاعنين يمرّ بي
بلا رجعة سربٌ ويتركني سرب

20. I endured my calamity and worries in them,
And the calamity and worries did not diminish to me in you.

٢٠. صبرت على رزئي وخطبيَ فيهمُ
وما هان فيك الرزء عنديَ والخطب

21. And who can I meet your existence a second time
When the curtains and veils came between you and I?

٢١. ومن لي بأن ألقى محياك ثانياً
وقد قامت الأستار دونك والحجب

22. I pretended - after forty - composure,
So it passed while my sorrows are still and the anguish.

٢٢. تعللت بعد الأربعين بسلوة
فمرت وأشجاني كما هي والكرب

23. The loyal and the devout came for the commemoration,
Their righteous elders and excellent youth.

٢٣. وقد جاء للذكرى الوفيون والتقى
شيوخهم الأبرار والفتية النجب

24. Overflowing with intimate whispers of affection and mercy
To you - and the whispers are neither clamor nor noise.

٢٤. يفيضون بالنجوى حناناً ورحمة
إليك وما النجوى ضجيج ولا صخب

25. They counseled what you charged them with - it is their home -
For eternity, the successful endeavor and work.

٢٥. تواصوا بما استرعيتهم وهو بيتهم
إلى الأبد السعيُ الموفَّق والدأب

26. Take from my tears what you wish and from my blood
For my eyes are as I pledged to you and the heart.

٢٦. فخذ من دموعي ما تشاء ومن دمي
فعيني كما عاهدتها لك والقلب

27. If I have from your right the passion now,
Then your confusion and wonder were my rights in you.

٢٧. وإن كان عندي الآن من حقك الجوى
فقد كان من حقي بك التيه والعجب

28. And make my poetry match your justice and piety
For the good you aspire to and what I aspire to.

٢٨. وساير شعري عدل حكمك والتقى
على الخير ما تصبو إليه وما أصبو

29. The life did not present to you my loyalty,
But it is the consciousness with you and the heart.

٢٩. وما عرض الدنيا لديك أمانتي
ولكنه الوجدان عندك واللب

30. You whom the dignitaries walked around
So neither their resolution falters nor their opinion comes undone.

٣٠. وأنت الذي سار الأعزة حوله
فلا حزمهم يكبو ولا رأيهم ينبو

31. The freemen supported you from every side
With the resolve of loyalty they arose and with loyalty’s resolve they grew up.

٣١. وأيدك الأحرار من كل جانب
بعزم الأولى شابوا وعزم الأولى شبّوا

32. And how many a champion whose opinion made him
Needless of the sword, radiant, and books made him needless of brigades.

٣٢. وكم بطل أغنى عن السيف رأيه
مضاء وأغنت عن كتائبه الكتب

33. Had you wished in your valley the might of its people,
The valleys would have come rushing to help it without it calling.

٣٣. ولو شئت في واديك من بأس أهله
لرد العوادي نجدة دونه هبّوا

34. For your name - which is the name of magnanimity - however
The planets and meteors moved in their courses.

٣٤. ولاسمك وهو اسم الكرامة ما جرت
به في مجاريها الكواكب والشهب

35. Whoever survives in all consciences
Statues and monuments cannot lack survival.

٣٥. ومن كان في كل الضمائر خالداً
فما تُعْوِزُ الخلدَ التماثيلُ والنصب

36. And every leader who walked your path in purpose,
His partisans are his traces in it and the faction.

٣٦. وكل زعيم سار سيرك في الحمى
فآثاره أشياعه فيه والحزب

37. Whoever leaves the life while his inheritance is
His praises to the progeny - the progeny will double it.

٣٧. ومن يترك الدنيا وكان تراثه
محامده للعقب ضاعفه العقب

38. Whoever is not enabled by himself for glory,
Then he has none to blame but himself.

٣٨. ومن لم تمكنه من المجد نفسه
فليس له إلا على نفسه العتب

39. Whoever was not for the kingdom redemptive in spirit,
Then he has in it no food or drink.

٣٩. ومن لم يكن للملك بالروح فادياً
فليس له فيه طعام ولا شرب

40. The barrenness is not the loss of its fruits to the fever,
But the loss of men - that is the barrenness.

٤٠. وما الجدب فقدان الحمى ثمراته
ولكنّ فقدان الرجال هو الجدب

41. War almost catches fire in the whole earth,
So no dry or wet remains in it.

٤١. تكاد تشب الحرب في الأرض كلها
فلا يابس يبقى عليها ولا رطب

42. Predators, while people walk in it straying,
They want it as booty and they demolish it,

٤٢. سباعاً يسير الناس فيها ضوارياً
ففي جهةٍ ليثٌ وفي جهة ذئب

43. And between them is only looting ruins.
If only you were among its witnesses the day of reconciliation,

٤٣. يريدونها نهباً وهم يهدمونها
وليس سوى الأطلال بينهم النهب

44. To erase after war what war begot.
And complete for the valley its right from fate -

٤٤. فليتك يوم الصلح بين شهوده
لتمحوَ بعد الحرب ما جنت الحرب

45. Your decree in it, not questioning or usurpation.
If the era's sin is that you are absent,

٤٥. ويكمل للوادي من الدهر حقه
قضاؤك فيه لا السؤال ولا الغصب

46. Then for the present existent the sin has been forgiven.
It suffices you after the benevolent ones, successors

٤٦. وإن كان ذنب الدهر أنك غائب
ففي الحاضر الموجود قد غفر الذنب

47. Who are your brethren, and the two sons, and the family and companions.
You left them for good after you as brothers

٤٧. وحسبك بعد الطيبات خلائقاً
شقيقاك والنجلان والأهل والصحب

48. Caring and love makes congenial.
And every place among them for you they beautified -

٤٨. تركتهمُ للخير بعدك أخوةً
تؤلِّفهم فيه الرعاية والحب

49. Your beauty in it - its prosperous settlers.
Traits of magnanimity working while they have nothing

٤٩. وكل مكان بينهم لك أجملوا
جميلك فيه عامريهمُ خصب

50. Except pride of the homelands - neither spoils nor profit.

٥٠. سجايا كرام يعملون وما لهم
سوى عزة الأوطان غنم ولا كسب