
Thus may your feasts stand for you,

هكذا فلتقم لك الأعياد

1. Thus may your feasts stand for you,
And immortalize your eternal loyalty,

١. هكذا فلتقم لك الأعيادُ
وتُخلِّدْ ولاءَك الآبادُ

2. And sanctify the day of your accession to power,
And the country remembers your kindness,

٢. وتُقَدِّسْ يومَ ارتقائك للحك
م وتذكرْ له الجميلَ البلادُ

3. It came with one who restores it,
And youth and old age in what is restored,

٣. جاءها بالذي يعيد مناها
والشباب القشيب فيما يعاد

4. And the pillars of glory in it are strengthened,
In his name, strength, and the pillars are high,

٤. وتشاد المعاقل الشم فيها
باسمه قوة وتعلو العماد

5. And he wards off threats from it and protects,
His glory lest the envious reach it,

٥. ويذود الخطوب عنها ويحمي
مجدها أن يناله الحساد

6. And he rules the servants with kindness and justice,
As he desires and loves the servants,

٦. ويسوس العباد بالرفق والعد
ل كما يشتهي ويهوى العباد

7. And shows them the ways of righteousness and piety,
And how is the sublime and how is the guidance,

٧. ويريهم مسالك البر والتق
وى وكيف العلى وكيف الرشاد

8. O son of the best of wombs from the people of Othman,
And the highest of those in the plain who ruled,

٨. يا ابن خيرِ البطون من قوم عثما
ن وأسمى من في البسيطة سادوا

9. You have gained a kingdom for Munif,
Enabled by the fathers and ancestors,

٩. إن ملكاً أحرزته لمنيف
مكَّنته الآباء والأجداد

10. For you in it are nine good years,
For the subjects over the enemies strict,

١٠. لك فيه سنون تسع حسان
للرعايا على العداة شداد

11. You increased its elevation and still take care,
Of its inhabitants with blessings they have not exceeded,

١١. زدته رفعة ولا زلت تولي
ساكنيه من نعمة ما استزادوا

12. Announcing survival for the son of Ali,
A sheltering ally, and honor and succession,

١٢. مؤذن بالبقاء لابن عليٍّ
سؤددٌ طارفٌ وعزٌّ تلاد

13. An era passed by the Nile before your time,
In which the water-drawers were not saturated,

١٣. مرَّ بالنيل قبل عهدك دهر
كان فيه لا يرتوي الورَّاد

14. And in its valleys while barren a place,
Where the fleeing complain to it of thirst,

١٤. وبواديه وهو أجدبُ مَحْلٌ
يشتكي عنده الطوى الروَّاد

15. They are now in bliss and good news,
And their lives became pleasant and plentiful,

١٥. أصبحوا الآن في نعيم وبشر
واستطابوا حياتهم واستجادوا

16. And the caller to guidance called them to you,
So they turned in your loyalty, adversaries,

١٦. ودعاهم إليك داعي الهدى فائ
تلفت في ولائك الأضداد

17. Blood! Without you, no eye of nations would settle,
Nor would any heart settle,

١٧. دم فلولاك لم تقرَّ لأقوا
مك عين ولا استقر فؤاد

18. In you are our great hopes, and in us for you,
Love, covenant, and obedience,

١٨. فيك آمالنا الكبار وفينا
لك حب وذمة وانقياد

19. And with you salvation from every enmity,
And to you tranquility and immortality,

١٩. ولديك النجاة من كل عاد
وإليك السكون والإخلاد

20. Do you fear the enemy while you encompass,
Those who plotted against the wicked and almost,

٢٠. أتخاف العدى وأنت محيط
بالذي دبر الدهاة وكادوا

21. They found what they intended impossible while you are in Egypt,
So they surrendered or almost,

٢١. وجدوا ما نووه ما دمت في مص
ر محالاً فاستسلموا أو كادوا

22. And donned the quality of a friend, so nothing appears from them but consent and affection,
For it is at the celebration of your feast fluttering,

٢٢. واكتسوا شيمة الصديق فما يظ
هر منهم إلا الرضى والوداد

23. And its description rises with prose and poetry,
And its pulpit praises you and its children and crops and inanimate converse with you,

٢٣. فهي في مهرجان عيدك تختا
ل ويعلو بوصفها الإنشاد

24. So its beautiful flags are waving, and for the soldiers a clamor and march,
O Abbas your effort for Islam is a blessed effort and jihad,

٢٤. ويحييك عرشها ويناجي
ك بنوها ونبتها والجماد

25. And your persistence in continuing the authority is the most precious thing the Muslims have gained,
And for his kindness to you and your desire for it succession and continuity,

٢٥. فلأعلامها الجميلة تصفي
قٌ وللجند ضجة واطِّراد

26. Whenever your unity in religion grows stronger, it destroys the hatred of its opponent,
This is the way of the Prophet and the purpose of the subjects, rather prohibition and integrity,

٢٦. إيه عباس إن سعيك للإس
لام سعيٌ مبارك وجهاد

27. And a weapon that wards off every agitator,
And a beacon for the East and preparation,

٢٧. وتماديك في مواصلة السل
طان أغلى ما المسلمون استفادوا

28. Long live Abbas, through your kingdom I have glory,
Hope, blessing, and regard,

٢٨. ولإحسانه إليك وترغي
بك فيه تتابع وامتداد

29. So my devotion to you is the best thing certainty and belief have given me.

٢٩. كلما استحكم اتحادكما في ال
دين أودت بخصمه الأحقاد