
O minister of finance, gather the money and spend

يا وزير المال اجمع المال واصرف

1. O minister of finance, gather the money and spend
It on areas of reform from what you have collected

١. يا وزير المال اجمع المال واصرف
في نواحي الإصلاح مما جمعتا

2. For the people have what you took from the people
So give back multiplied what you have taken

٢. إن للشعب ما أخذت من الشع
ب فأرجع مضاعفاً ما أخذتا

3. Help the farmers, ease a crushing debt
Or repay it and dispense it

٣. أعَنِ الزارعين خففت دَيْناً
فادحاً أم قضيته ودفعتا

4. And resolve the tenacious affliction with what you chose
Of the matter and diverse measures

٤. وحسمت الداء العضال بما اختر
ت من الأمر والتدابير شتى

5. And regain the land enslaved in it
Independently growing plants and vegetation in it

٥. واسترد الأرض المسخر فيها
مستقلاً بها غراساً ونبتا

6. Do good and seek help from its people
And leave anyone else from what you heard

٦. اصنع الخير واطلب العون من أه
ليه واترك سواه ممَّا سمعتا

7. So sufficient for you is that the people have not moved
And most sufficient for the people are you

٧. فحسيباً عليك ما برح القو
م ونعم الحسيب للقوم أنتا