
I swear by the honor of his crown and banner,

قسما بعزة تاجه ولوائه

1. I swear by the honor of his crown and banner,
And by his victorious army in its vigor,

١. قسماً بعزة تاجه ولوائه
وبجيشه المنصور في هيجائه

2. And by his lofty throne and the might of his sword,
And his justice in his rule and judgment,

٢. وبعرشه السامي وبأس حسامه
وسداده في حكمه وقضائه

3. And his era, security, and mercy upon us,
And the wisdom of his opinion and purpose,

٣. وزمانه وأمانه وحنانه
فينا وحكمة رأيه ومضائه

4. And his prayers, alms, and fasting,
And his certainty, composure, and intelligence,

٤. وصلاته وزكاته وصيامه
ويقينه وأناته وذكائه

5. And his steeds, pillars, and fortresses,
And his ships, castles, and buildings,

٥. وجياده وعماده وحصونه
وسفينه وقلاعه وبنائه

6. And his gulf, strait, and mountains,
And his terrain, seas, and generosity,

٦. وخليجه ومضيقه وجباله
ومجاله وبحاره وعطائه

7. He is the chosen Imam by his Lord,
To protect Islam from its enemies,

٧. وذمامه ومرامه وجهاده
وجلاله وبنيه بل نجبائه

8. He took hold of the reins of the world and raised,
His value in his land and heavens,

٨. والمطلع الميمون حيث الموكب ال
مشهور قام يموج في أضوائه

9. And he was called the Supporter of the Faithful, so the
Days and destinies became part of his names,

٩. وغياضه ورياضه وحياضه
وذماره ومناره وعلائه

10. With the messengers and angels joyful for him,
And victory and support from his allies,

١٠. وقيامه سهران يرعى وحده
أقوامه وغناه عن وزرائه

11. When he came while the sword hung over the zealous foe,
And his sons drowned in bloodshed,

١١. ودفاعه عنا الخطوب وكشفه
ظلم الكروب وعفوه وإبائه

12. He removed their plight and united them,
And healed their pain and misery,

١٢. لهو الإمام المجتبى من ربه
لحماية الإسلام من أعدائه

13. With the power of the Able he overwhelmed the enemies,
No adversary can withstand meeting him,

١٣. ألقى إليه مقالد الدنيا وأع
لى قدره في أرضه وسمائه

14. So the Great King saved him from harm,
And Islam rejoiced after its weeping,

١٤. ودعاه عون المؤمنين فكانت ال
أيام والأقدار من أسمائه

15. And established him, strong and steadfast,
Shining in brilliance after being hidden,

١٥. والرسل والأملاك في بشرائه
والنصر والتأييد من حلفائه

16. And returned this harsh, unforgiving era,
To its prosperity and loyalty,

١٦. ولقد أتى والسيف في عنق الحمى
وبنوه غرقى في عباب دمائه

17. And relieved the House of God from what pained it,
Robing it in the garb of its glory and splendor,

١٧. فأقال عثرته وجمَّع شمله
وشفاه من آلامه وشقائه

18. So his path is safe and blessed,
Guarded by his soldiers and artistry,

١٨. وسطا على الأعداء سطوة قادر
لا يستطيع الخصم هول لقائه

19. He deserves reward from the Prophet for his stature,
And his visitors and residents of his valley,

١٩. فنجا به الملك الكبير من الأذى
وتهلل الإسلام بعد بكائه

20. Abdul Hamid, today we recall the beginning of your rule,
In places congratulated for its permanence,

٢٠. وأقامه جذلان مشتّد القوى
متبلج الأنوار بعد خفائه

21. The day the masses saw the mercy of the Creator,
Revealed in the beauty of its space,

٢١. وأعاد هذا الدهر بعد جماحه ال
قاسي إلى إقباله ووفائه

22. The day it was distinguished in time, and with it the Sultan
Was proud over his sons,

٢٢. وأراح بيت اللّه مما راعه
وكساه حلة مجده وبهائه

23. Rather, history preserved it, noting
What spreads in the cosmos of its news,

٢٣. فطريقه مأمونة ميمونة
محروسة بجنوده وسنائه

24. Celebrate it, the wilderness and its people rejoiced,
And for it Islam appeared in its vanity,

٢٤. فله الجزاء من النبي عن المقا
م وزائريه وساكني بطحائه

25. The earth, its sides fragrant and verdant,
And the horizon in its radiance and clarity,

٢٥. عبد الحميد اليوم نذكر بدء حك
مك في مواطن هُنِّئَتْ ببقائه

26. And the East, its borders smiling, vying
With the hateful West in its fertility and comfort,

٢٦. يوم رأى فيه الرعية رحمة ال
باري تجلت في جميل فضائه

27. And frightening it against tilting its thrones,
And renewing in it what is past of its illnesses,

٢٧. يوم تآبه في الزمان فكان بال
سلطان مفتخراً على أبنائه

28. And showing it that its submission and affection,
Are better for it than its hatred and enmity,

٢٨. بل صانه التاريخ معتدّاً بما
يمتد في الأكوان من أنبائه

29. Stop, enemies of the faith, your hopes,
Its paths blocked by the mountains of his determination,

٢٩. عيد به احتفل البرية واحتفوا
وبدا له الإسلام في خيلائه

30. And be gentle with yourselves, your misguidance,
Hastening your destruction with his tribulation,

٣٠. فالأرض عاطرة الجوانب نضرة
والأفق في إشراقه وصفائه

31. And by the sword of the King be guided, for long,
The path was illuminated by it for the lost eye,

٣١. والشرق مبتسم الثغور ينافس ال
غرب البغيض بخصبه ورخائه

32. My Master, this is a praise poem from a youth,
Expressing signs of his love and loyalty,

٣٢. ويخيفه من أن يميل عروشه
ويعيد فيه ما مضى من دائه

33. And seeing life prosperous in your protection,
Ever green, ensuring the permanence of his bliss,

٣٣. ويريه أن خضوعه ووداده
أولى له من حقده وعدائه

34. A loyalist to you, enamored with you, consumed,
With passions aflame in his core,

٣٤. مهلاً عداة الدين إن رجاءكم
سُدَّتْ مسالكه بطود رجائه

35. Content with your mention, elated, so the world shook,
Echoing the beauty of his praise,

٣٥. وترفقوا بنفوسكم فضلالكم
ساع إلى تدميركم ببلائه