
O you who describe the generous Arabs as a nation

يا واصف العرب الكرام لأمة

1. O you who describe the generous Arabs as a nation
Among whom zeal for the sacred and valor remain

١. يا واصفَ العرب الكرام لأمةٍ
فيها ذمامٌ للحجى وذِمارُ

2. And who honor the intrinsic nature of the Pre-Islamic Era
Which all other civilizations envied with their hands

٢. ومُكرِّماً للجاهليةِ فِطرةً
حَسَدتْ عليها بيدَها الأمصارُ

3. And who restore the ways of that generation as
Witnessed by onlookers and indicated by relics

٣. ومعيدَ ذاك الجيلِ سيرَته كما
شهد العيانُ ودلتْ الآثارُ

4. And represent virtuous morals as they
Appeared like stars and fragrant flowers

٤. وممثل الأخلاقِ طاهرةً كما
بدت النجومُ وفاحت الأزهارُ

5. And explain to the West how
Poetry of help owned the East

٥. ومفسراً للغرب كيف تملكتْ
في الشرق أهلَ النجدةِ الأشعارُ

6. And some of their poets became
An obeyed king among them, a conqueror

٦. ولربما أضحوا ومن شعرائهم
ملك مطاع بينهم قهارُ

7. Yes, your testimony which they augmented
Won over the stranger and pleased approbation

٧. نعمت شهادتك التي زادوا بها
عطفَ الغريب وحبذا الإقرارُ

8. With true news you were fair to a people
Who before you were wronged by reports

٨. أنصفتَ بالخبر اليقين معاشراً
ظَلمَتهمُ من قبلك الأخبارُ

9. You exalted their passion, chastity, and one
Who rejects drink though fire is in his bowels

٩. أكبرتَ عشقهمُ وعفتهم ومن
يأبى الشرابَ وفي حشاه النارُ

10. And the loyalty of beautiful ladies, for with
The noble, the free are honored

١٠. ووفاءَ ربات الجمال وإنما
عند الحرائر يَشرُف الأحرارُ

11. You stood and made others stop at their ruins
Where yearning and recollection stir you

١١. ووقفتَ واستوقفتَ في أطلالهم
يهتاجك التحنانُ والتَذكارُ

12. And walked among their meadows, in a garden
Whose fruits are manners and ideas

١٢. ومشيتَ بين ربوعِهم في روضةٍ
أثمارها الآداب والأفكارُ

13. No storm can fade its bloom, though
It may fade the abodes and people with storms

١٣. لن يُبليَ الإعصار رونقَها وإن
أبلى الديارَ وأهلَها الإعصارُ

14. Reports exhausted me until I became
As though strings were in my hearing

١٤. شاقتنيَ الأخبارُ حتى أصبحتْ
وكأنما في مسمعي أوتارُ

15. And people's talk made me visualize them
As though they were civilizations before my sight

١٥. وأرانيَ القوم الحديثَ فأصبحوا
وكأنهم في ناظري حُضارُ

16. If reminiscing could bring back a patron
Among them, conviviality and hospitality would return

١٦. لو كانت الذكرى تعيد موَليّاً
منهم لعاد السمحُ والمغوارُ

17. Their instincts were good, so when they were surprised
By their prophet they recognized the path and walked it

١٧. طابت غرائزهم فلما فوجئوا
بنبيهم عرفوا الطريق فساروا

18. Their resolves remained steadfast, so when they struggled
That tide seized the kingdoms

١٨. ومضت عزائمهم فلما جاهدوا
أخذ الممالك ذلك التيارُ

19. If you are loyal to them you are their friend
And if you look after them you are their neighbor

١٩. فإذا وفَيْتَ لهم فأنت صديقهم
وإذا رعيتَهُمُ فأنت الجارُ

20. You reminded Egypt of that conquest which
Made your noble ancestors forget

٢٠. ذكَّرتَ مصرَ بذلك الفتح الذي
أنستْ به آباؤك الأبرارُ

21. They offered kingdoms and tested their rulings
In various ways until they chose and preferred

٢١. عرضوا الممالك وابتلوا أحكامها
شتى إلى أن خُيِّروا فاختاروا

22. That if they welcomed the Muslims and were sincere
To them, they would be Muhammad's in-laws

٢٢. إن رحبوا بالمسلمين وأخلصوا
لهُمُ فهم لمحمد أصهارُ

23. What you have presented hoping
For the expected future and rejoicing

٢٣. إن الذي قدمتَه لتفاؤل
بالمقبل المأمول واستبشارُ

24. If you are celebrated by an Egyptian group
You are celebrated by Hashim and Nazar

٢٤. فإن احتفت بك عصبةٌ مصريةٌ
فقد احتفت بك هاشمٌ ونزارُ

25. Would that I were a pilgrim among the tribes
Bearing the blessed Imam's insignia

٢٥. يا ليتني بين القبائل طائفٌ
وعليَّ من نعم الإمام شعارُ

26. I would call and rouse every sleepy one
Until civilization and construction return

٢٦. أدعو وأوقظ كل ساه خامل
حتى تعودَ حضارة وعُمارُ

27. And gather them around the crescent to ransom
Themselves, the protectors of the kingdom and its helpers

٢٧. وأضمهمْ حولَ الهلال ليفتدوا
وهمُ حماةُ الملك والأنصارُ

28. A harmony that satisfies the Ottomans among them
Is more worthy of the most loyal and jealous guardian

٢٨. تُرضي بني عثمانَ منهم ألفةٌ
أولى بأصدقِ من يفي ويغارُ