
I once lagged behind out of hardship and torment,

تخلفت يوما بعد جهد وشقة

1. I once lagged behind out of hardship and torment,
So they said the diligent one has given up.

١. تخلفت يوماً بعد جهد وشقة
فقالوا تخلى الدائب المتجلدُ

2. Those were my enemies who denied me rest,
Though they knew I was the honest one under threat.

٢. أولئك عذالي أبوا ليَ راحة
وقد علموا أني الأمين المهدد

3. And my people did nothing but push me
Towards my demise with their endless yelling.

٣. وما كان من قومي وهم يدفعونني
إلى أجلي إلا الصياح المردد

4. They removed me from my place among them
So I left what I shepherd and pledged to uphold.

٤. وهم زحزحوني عن مكانيَ بينهم
فغادرت ما أرعى وما أتعهد

5. No assembly of their youth contains me now,
Nor do their elders receive me in their sacred place.

٥. فلا يحتويني محفل من شبابهم
ولا يتلقاني مع الشيب معبد

6. I avoid the enemy in what I see from them today,
Fearing what tomorrow might bring from them.

٦. أداري العدى فيما أرى اليوم منهمُ
مخافة ما يأتي به منهم الغد

7. And I make do with safety alone from them
While others remain defiant rebels against them.

٧. وأقنع منهم بالسلامة وحدها
وغيري عليهم ثائر متمرد

8. I knew who had good and evil within,
So I went to them, affectionate and gentle.

٨. عرفت الذين الخير والشر عندهم
فسرت إليهم وافياً أتودد

9. But it did not help that I was free and content,
Nor did it matter that I was a confined prisoner.

٩. ولم يغنهم أني طليق مخير
ولم يعنهم أني حبيس مقيد

10. That I was pleased with them when they were kind
And had intimate talks and gave them my hand.

١٠. وأني لراض عنهمُ ما تلطفوا
ولي عندهم نجوى وعندي لهم يد

11. Leave me and my affairs for a night or nights
To regain my strength and renew myself.

١١. دعوني وشأني ليلة أو ليالياً
أعاود فها قوتي وأجدد

12. Had I wanted to remain happy, I would have left you
But I stay on - to suffer while you prosper.

١٢. ولو شئت أن أبقى سعيداً تركتكم
ولكنني باق لأشقى وتسعدوا