1. When dawn's longing was fulfilled
Tears of pearl obstructed it
١. لما تناهى الصب في تشويقه
درر الدموع اعتاضها بعقيقه
2. Yearning, with an inflamed heart
How to stay with the blaze of its fire?
٢. متلهفٌ وفؤاده متلهب
كيف البقاء مع احتدام حريقه
3. The sea of tears wave in anguish
Where is salvation hoped for its drown?
٣. متموج بحر الدموع بنجده
أنى خلاص يرتجى لغريقه
4. Sipping the drink of grief from Hajar
Not softened by her longing
٤. متجرع صاب النوى من هاجرٍ
ما إن يحن للاعجات مشوقه
5. His beauty captivates thoughts with its elegance
His beauty enchants souls with its grace
٥. يسبي الخواطر حسنه ببديعه
يصبي النفوس جماله بأنيقه
6. Eyes are fettered when he appears to a watcher
Eyes cannot refrain from staring at him
٦. قيد النواظر إذ يلوح لرامقٍ
لا تنشى الأحداق عن تحديقه
7. To the moon his cheek is like the shine of its light
To musk his breath like its scent's diffusion
٧. للبدر لمحته كبشر ضيائه
للمسك نفحته كنشر فتيقه
8. His glances intoxicate thoughts as though they
Drank from youth a cup of wine
٨. سكرت خواطر لامحيه كأنهم
شربوا من الصبا كأس رحيقه
9. Thirsty for a mouth they cannot reach
Except by a glimpse of its smile
٩. عطشوا لثغر لا سبيل لريقه
إلا كلمحهم للمع بريقه
10. What harm if his enamored slaves weep
If he is tender to the state of his weak one?
١٠. ما ضر مولىً عاشقوه عبيده
لو رق إشفاقاً لحال رقيقه
11. My patience is not obeying him
Nor am I solid like stone
١١. عنهه اصطباري ما أنا بمطيعه
مثل السلو ولا أنا بمطيقه
12. The cooing of doves evokes desire's response
So it provoked anguish with its longing
١٢. سجع الحمام يشوق ترجيع الهوى
فأثار شجو مشوقه بمشوقه
13. It wept torrents, startled by the separation
Woe to the companion of separation!
١٣. وبكت هديلاً راعها تفريقه
ويحق أن يبكي أخو تفريقه
14. And my weeping is right, for I have not
Fulfilled the full rights owed my Master
١٤. وبكاء أمثالي حقٌّ لأنني
لم أقض للمولى أكيد حقوقه
15. I was heedless in days of youth now gone
Distracted, violating its innocence
١٥. وغفلت في زمن الشباب المنقضي
أقبح بنسخ بروره بعقوقه
16. Grey hairs came, scolding the prohibitors
Had I been deterred, I'd have shunned its looseness
١٦. وبدا المشيب وفيه زجر ذوي النهى
لو كنت مزدجراً لشيم بروقه
17. It suffices me the regret of one who erred
My sigh reaches his burden with its sob
١٧. حسبي ندامة آسف مما جنى
يصل النشيج لوزره بشهيقه
18. I reject what desire ravaged in my youth
And I disown what I craved of my Master
١٨. ويرم ما خرم الهوى زمن الصبا
ويروم من مولاه رتق فتوقه
19. I repeat my complaints to him in humility
Hoping acceptance will enable my reach
١٩. ويردد الشكوى لديه تذللاً
عل الرضا يحبيه درك لحوقه
20. So I awake from the drunkenness of passion
Like the dawn annulling night with its beams
٢٠. فيصح من سكر التصابي صحوه
نسخاً لحكم صبوحه بغبوقه
21. Had I intended piety and accompanied it
And walked choosing the straight path
٢١. لو كنت يممت التقى وصحبته
وسلكت إيثاراً سواء طريقه
22. I'd have gained from it benefits and gems
Flaunted, transcending in its market
٢٢. لأفدت منه فوائداً وفرائداً
عرضت تسام لرإبح في سوقه
23. To the lords of hearts, for they are of the party
Who obtained acceptance and his fellowship
٢٣. لله أرباب القلوب فإنهم
من حزب من نال الرضا وفريقه
24. They stood while people slept, so their light
Ripped through darkness with its shine and rise
٢٤. قاموا وقد نام الأنام فنورهم
هتك الدجا بضيائه وشروقه
25. And they felt intimacy with their Beloved, so they have
Good news of sincere virtue in its verification
٢٥. وتأنسوا بحبيبهم فلهم به
بشرٌ لصدق الفضل في تحقيقه
26. I fell short of them when they surpassed in effort
To the precedent virtue over the followed
٢٦. قصرت عنهم عندما سبقوا المدى
ولسابق فضل على مسبوقه
27. Were it not for my perceiving glimmers of their light
Reviving the heart with its life and beams
٢٧. لولا رجاء تلمحي من نورهم
يحيى الفؤاد بسيره وطروقه
28. And hopes I entertain from their souls
The cause of the soul's vigor, their good nature
٢٨. وتأرجٌ يستاف من أرواحهم
سبب انتعاش الروح طيب خلوقه
29. I'd have been seduced by my terrible crimes
Fearing which my heart is a trembling ally
٢٩. لفتنت من جراء جرائري التي
من خوفها قلبي حليف خفوقه
30. And I have hopeful pleadings I prepared
As provision against the days' straits
٣٠. ومعي رجاء توسل أعددته
ذخراً لصدمات الزمان وضيقه
31. My love and my praise of Ahmad the Guide
The people's attainment in verifying him
٣١. حبي ومدحي أحمد الهادي الذي
فوز الأنام يصح في تصديقه
32. Most sublime of beings in station and lineage
Of Hashim, the pure carpenter, the eminent
٣٢. أسمى الورى في منصب وبمنسب
من هاشم زاكي النجار عريقه
33. The truth he made plain after its concealment
And religion he systematized in its separation
٣٣. الحق أظهره عقيب خفائه
والدين نظمه لدى تفريقه
34. He banished the misguidance of an unjust person
Relying on his attributes and curses
٣٤. ونفى هداه ضلالةً من جائرٍ
مستوثق بنعوته ولعوقه
35. Glory to the One who sent him to us a mercy
Guiding, guiding virtue through his success
٣٥. سبحان مرسله إلينا رحمة
يهدى ويهدي الفضل من توفيقه
36. And miracles appeared verifying his message
And his essence with marvels fitting
٣٦. والمعجزات بدت بصدق رسوله
وحقيقه بالمأثرات خليقه
37. Like the baby in his speaking, the calf in
Its mooing, the moon in its splitting
٣٧. كالظبي في تكليمه والجذع في
تحنينه والبدر في تشقيقه
38. And fire when its light extinguished it
And intense water rendered sweet from his saliva
٣٨. والنار إذ خمدت بنور ولاده
وأجاج ماءٍ قد حلا من ريقه
39. And sustenance was little but increased by his blessings
Sufficing armies with his dates and crumbs
٣٩. والزاد قل فزاد من بركاته
فكفى الجيوش بتمره وسويقه
40. And springs of palm water from his signs
And the safety of rocks as he walked by them
٤٠. ونبوع ماء الكف من آياته
وسلام أحجار غدت بطريقه
41. And the palm tree when he called it, it walked to him
With speed in its roots and branches
٤١. والنخل لما أن دعاه مشى له
ذا سرعة بعروقه وعذوقه
And the earth he saw it folded for him
٤٢. والأرض عاينها وقد زويت له
فقريب ما فيها رأى كسحيقه
43. So what's in it he saw as near as its smoothness
And the sheep's forearm spoke to him
٤٣. وكذا ذراع الشاة قد نطقت له
نطق اللسان فصيحه وذليقه
44. The tongue's eloquence and clarity
And he threw pebbles at his enemies with a handful
٤٤. ورمى عداه بكف حصباء فانثنت
هرباً كمذعور الجنان فروقه
45. So they fled like ghosts scared witless
And upon him Quran verses descended
٤٥. وعليه آيات الكتاب تنزلت
تتلى بعلو جلاله وبسوقه
46. Recited in the loftiness of his might
So he sipped the cup of pure love
٤٦. فأذيق من كأس المحبة صرفها
سبحان ساقيه بها ومذيقه
47. Glory to the One who gave it to him and made him sip
He attained praise and obtained it by his ascension
٤٧. حاز السناء وناله بعروجه
جاز السماء طباقها بخروقه
48. Transcending heaven's spheres by piercing them
And how many signs he has from His Lord
٤٨. ولكم له من آية من ربه
ورعاية وعناية بحقوقه
49. And care and attention to his rights
O best of messengers with his God
٤٩. يا خيرة الأرسال عند إلهه
يا محرز العليا على مخلوقه
50. O protected sublime over His creatures
I pinned my hopes on your stature some
٥٠. علقت آمالي بجاهك عدة
والقصد ليس يخيب في تعليقه
51. And an aim is not unsuccessful in its pinning
And I tied the rope of my reliance a pillar
٥١. ووثقت من حبل اعتمادي عمدة
لتمسكي بقويه ووثيقه
52. To cling to its strength and bond
If I become seized by my sin, I still
٥٢. ولئن غدوت أخيذ ذنبي إنني
أرجو بقصدك أن أرى كطليقه
53. Hope by your care to see release
The market of my affairs declined since I sought
٥٣. وكساد سوقي مذ لجأت إلى بابكم
يقضي حصول نفوذه ونفوقه
54. Your door, fulfilling its access and rise
And my heart yearns while in foreignhood
٥٤. ويحن قلبي وهو في تغريبه
لمزاره لرياك في تشريقه
55. For your brilliant tomb, when I see it in morning
Its burning increases when the beloved's cheek
٥٥. وتزيد لوعته متى حث السرى
حاد حداً بجماله وبنوقه
56. Inclines with a lean in its softness
And I see the grey hairs of age has withered
٥٦. وأرى قشيب العمر أمسى بالياً
ومرور دهري جد في تمزيقه
57. And my life passing, fraying it
And I fear I will meet my end before fulfilling
٥٧. وأخاف أن أقضي ولم أقض المنى
بنفوذ سهم منيتي ومروقه
58. My wish, by the arrow of death's plunge
So when will I fold my saddlebags and leave
٥٨. فمتى أحط على اللوى رحلي وقد
بلغت ركابي للحمي وعقيقه
59. Having reached the resident abode and its pearls?
And rub my cheeks in soil which tomorrow
٥٩. وأمرغ الخدين في تربٍ غدا
كالمسك في أرج شذا منشوقه
60. Is like musk in its scent's diffusion
And repeat my singing and chanting of praise
٦٠. وأعيد إنشادي وإنشائي الثنا
ببديع نظم قريحتي ورقيقه
61. In the wonderful rhyme of my soul and tender one
Until I enthrall the lovers, enraptured
٦١. حتى أميل العاشقيين تطرباً
كالغصن مر صباً على ممشوقه
62. Like a branch dripping morning dew on its pliant one
And greeting of peace, deliver my intercessor
٦٢. وتحية التسليم أبلغ شافعي
وثنا المديح حديثه وعتيقه
63. And praise's discourse, both new and old
And to the eminent and the sublime and his minister
٦٣. ولذي الفخار وذي العلى ووزيره
صديقه وأخي الهدى فاروقه
64. His friend and brother of guidance, the discerning one
From me, greetings to them like flowers in
٦٤. مني السلام عليهم كالزهر في
تأليفها والزهر في تأليفه