
O guide of the gentle breeze, whose glances

يا مهدي الرشأ الذي ألحاظه

1. O guide of the gentle breeze, whose glances
Left my heart pierced by those arrows,

١. يا مُهدِيَ الرَشأ الَّذي ألحاظُه
تَركت فُؤادي نُصبَ تِلكَ الأَسهمِ

2. A basil plant, all wishes lie in its scent,
If not for the Protector and avoiding the forbidden,

٢. رَيحانَة كُلُّ المُنى في شَمِّها
لَولا المُهيمنُ وَاِجتِنابُ المَحرمِ

3. My heart would not have turned away from you, rather
Hunting a gazelle is not permitted for a pilgrim.

٣. ما عَن قِلىً صُرِفَت إِلَيك وَإِنَّما
صَيدُ الغَزالة لَم يُبَح لِلمُحرمِ

4. Indeed we knew of the gazelle before it
The secret of passion, and would that we never knew,

٤. إِنّ الغَزالة قَد عَلِمنا قَبلَها
سِرَّ المَهاةِ وَلَيتَنا لَم نَعلَمِ

5. Oh woe to you Antara, whom it has healed,
What did not heal me and only caused more pain without speaking,

٥. يا وَيحَ عَنتَرَة الَّذي قَد شَفَّه
ما شَفَّني فَشَدا وَلَم يَتَكَلَّمِ

6. Oh ewe, what was hunted for he who made you
Forbidden to me, would that you were not made forbidden.

٦. يا شاة ما قَنص لِمَن حَلَّت لَهُ
حَرُمت عَليَّ وَلَيتَها لَم تحرمِ