1. The dews and rains obeyed you,
And the revolving sky fulfilled your command,
١. أَطاعَتكَ الذوابلُ وَالشِفارُ
وَلَبّى أَمرَك الفَلكُ المُدارُ
2. With good news, as the meadows rejoiced,
And prosperity, as the day dawned,
٢. بِبُشرى مِثلَما اِبتَهَجَت رِياضٌ
وَسَعدٍ مِثلَما وَضحَ النَهارُ
3. And openings, as the veils were lifted,
And hearts opened, shedding their sorrows,
٣. وَفَتحٍ مِثلَما اِنفَتَحَت كمامٌ
وَشُقَّت عَن صُدور مَهاً صِدارُ
4. With hopes, as the shadows lengthened,
And deeds, as the seas expanded,
٤. وَآمالٍ كَما مُدَّت ظِلالٌ
وَأَفعالٍ كَما مدَّت بِحارُ
5. With your victorious standards fluttering,
Triumphant in every air,
٥. وَأَعلامٍ بِنَصرك خافِقات
لَها في كُلّ جَوّ مُستَطارُ
6. To bring glad tidings to the land of Andalusia,
Of unending joy, holding no secrets,
٦. لِيهنئ أَرضَ أَندلس بدور
مِن السَرّاء لَيسَ لَها سِرارُ
7. And how many sought to flee from tragedies,
But where was there any escape?
٧. وَكَم رامُوا الفرار مِن الرَزايا
وَلَكن أَين مِن أَجلٍ فِرارُ
8. Death was passed around to them,
In a cup containing bitter poison without remedy,
٨. تُدار عَلَيهمُ حُمرُ المَنايا
بِكَأس فيهِ عَقرٌ لا عُقارُ
9. For when the lion takes his place,
The hunted has no rest,
٩. إِذا ما اللَّيثُ أَصبَح في مَحَلٍّ
فَما لِطَريدة فيهِ قَرارُ