1. His heart is gladdened with the light of knowledge,
His face is marked with the beauty of light.
١. فُؤاده بِضِياء العلم مُنشَرح
وَوَجهُهُ بِجَمال النور موسومُ
2. His palms overflow with goodness,
His back is dedicated to God's covenant.
٢. وَكَفّه بَطنُها بِالخَير مُنهَمر
وَظَهرُها لِعُهود اللَهِ مَلثومُ
3. Knowledge is his value, and forbearance his trait.
His dignity is fragrant, his soul and abode pleasant.
٣. وَالعلم قِيمتُهُ وَالحلم شِيمتُه
طابَت أَرومتُه وَالنَفسُ وَالخِيمُ
4. For students of knowledge, through serving him
Are riches, honor, guidance, and instruction.
٤. لِطالِبي العلم ما شاؤُوا بِخِدمته
غِنىً وَعزٌّ وَإِرشاد وَتَعليمُ
5. The clouds of his generosity rain sciences upon them,
Rushing forth, so in his sea they have spread their sails.
٥. سُحبُ العُلوم عَلَيهم مِن سَماحَته
تَهمِي فَفي بِحرِها هُم شُرَّعٌ هِيمُ
6. He shows patience, forbearance, knowledge, and when
Truth demands, determination and resolve.
٦. يُفضِي أَناةً وَحِلماً عالِماً وَلَهُ
في مَوضع الحَقِّ إِقدام وَتَصميمُ
7. His steps are firm toward those who disobey or betray,
And in correcting those gone astray, reform.
٧. تَشتَدُّ فيمَن عَصى أَو خانَ وَطأَتُه
وَفي الثِقاف لذات الزيغ تَقويمُ
8. Time, through his wisdom, is cleared of the ignorant,
Through which the era is protected from the wicked.
٨. الدَهرُ في أَنفِهِ مِن حُكمِهِ بُرَةٌ
بِها الزَمان عَنِ الأَبرار مَخزُومُ
9. Though my praises fall short praising his beauty,
Perfection upon defects is still conferred.
٩. عَطفاً عَلى حُسن أَمداحي وَإن عَجزَت
إِنَّ الجَمال عَلى العِلّات مَرحومُ
10. Oh listeners! The Imam's praises - come,
Prostrate yourselves before greatness, or stand tall!
١٠. يا سامِعين أَمادِيحَ الإِمام أَلا
فَاِجثوا عَلى رُكَب الإِعظام أَو قوموا